(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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My sister said he was giving people rides in his Porsche to raise money for the Philippines. I don't know if he was driving or if he was letting the other people drive, but they drove into a tree & the car exploded. Both he & the guy with him died instantly. So sad. He was doing something to raise money for others & this happens. :-(

Aww. I think it's been confirmed on his twitter/Facebook! So sad! This dominated the dinner conversation tonight with myself, my sister and my dad!

Finally wrapped up all the gifts for my secret Santa! So exciting, I still have to go buy a flat rate box and ship it but at least it's one step closer....
Well, I just made an Ulta order with something in it for my SS, so now I have to wait for that to arrive, and have something ELSE to wrap.

But I guess the plus side is, the later I mail it, the closer to Christmas she gets it, right?? Hopefully Ulta ships fast this time

Gah, one last thing had to take a postal detour to another town...looks like I'm sending mine out mid-week. 

Dear SSantee:

I'm going to write this paper now. I kinda forgot that I have finals after this week. Even though I was probably one of the first people in this thread to finish shopping, I probably won't ship til after finals/closer to the deadline. I know that sucks BUUUUUUT, I've been adding something new to the box pretty much every day. By the time you get it, we're gonna need a bigger box!



Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Well, I just made an Ulta order with something in it for my SS, so now I have to wait for that to arrive, and have something ELSE to wrap.

But I guess the plus side is, the later I mail it, the closer to Christmas she gets it, right?? Hopefully Ulta ships fast this time
You should be good assuming it has nothing that has to come ground.  I ordered on Thankgiving and my order is scheduled for delivery for Thursday the 5th.  Not too bad since I am on the West coast!  I might even have something in mine that requires ground (dry shampoo) so I am happy!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Perhaps TMI, but it really happened:  I blew my nose today, and the inside of my nose was coated with sparkly turquoise eyeshadow.  It was like I had been snorting rails, except it was Geek Chic Cosmetics' We're All Infected instead of recreational pharmaceuticals.  I have no clue how that happened unless my tear ducts are feeding my eyeshadow to my nostrils.  I'm kind of curious to see what my sinuses look like.  I'm envisioning a '70s disco.
I literally am crying!


Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I try to avoid all stores from Thanksgiving until after Christmas.  I can't stand the crowds and the parking lots.  I try to order everything online.  
That's good in theory, but in practice, cats don't give a **** that it's stay-away-from-stores season.  I take that back.  They give a lot of *****.  Especially when you just used the last of the litter last night.

Dear Santee,

I had planned on mailing you your box earlier then later.  But then I decided that I'm going to take my time!  

I've got your top beauty favorites all ready and I just want to prolong the fun of being able to pick-up little festive things here and there when I'm out and about.  

I'm going to see what fun European choclates are out there in the gormond candy store...   one for you and one for me, cheers!!

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  LOL. For those of you who are not great at wrapping, here are my goodies to make you feel better. I do NOT have the skills some of you do!

Yeah, I went a bit overboard. The blue box has 7-8 items in it, and the BCBG box has "stocking stuffers"...there are two items not wrapped that aren't pictured for obvious reasons. I just went with plain silver because I am a squirrel and I like shiny.
Sorry to my santee that it's not prettier...but I really hope you like everything!!

Looks great! your SS will be very happy.

Santee- so of course I went to the mall today and of course I walked into a certain store I've never been into before and OF COURSE, since I have everything you've ever posted engrained in my brainbox, I HAD to get you the cutest set of ...a surprise. You are a very, very spoiled santee. Also, after I posted that I was done with you last- about 30 minutes later I had an order place with ulta with some more goodies for you (and my sister, had to get that free shipping girl). I'm SO weak...I just wanna give and give and I'm such a Michael lol. But I'm sure you won't mind. All I ask is that you let me know if I made you a happy gal. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm royally screwing up my wrapping (2 more packages came for you while I was out!) ...but I'm trying, lol. IT IS ALL SO WEIRD SHAPED.

Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just received email from 'elfee' of my SS on my box being on the way!

So excited!!!  I've got tracking numbers.  This box will be a pebble in a pond!  Yipeee!

my head:

What!?!?!  We could send out the SS boxes already?  I thought it's mailing was to take place the first week of December.  Ooooh and aaaah!!!

note to self:  go back and read fine print again...

LOL Oh goodness no! People can send from anytime in November through December. I have the December 1 - 15 as a general guideline since a lot of people wait for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to shop. Basically the deadlines are more because I want people to have a two week window to shop and a two week window to wrap and ship. Basically I hope everyone gets their gifts by Christmas. My own giftee won't be getting hers for at least two more weeks because everything is still shipping. I should be seeing the rest of her gifts arrive by Monday.

I'm going to spoil it for my giftee, but the vast majority of items I'm sending her are items I've used myself (of course all brand new what I'm sending her) and love. I'm even doing a mini-video for her explaining why I'm giving her each item and showing her how I use mine.

That's awesome!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If I get a 12 days of Christmas, I will definitely open one each day!  I love that kind of anticipation.  I would even wait and open it the day of Christmas, except I will be out of town :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My mom always tries to get my dad and I to open at least one present on Christmas eve (we have always done it the day of- never before) and even when I was little, I refused!  We are both very against it.  Even when they mail me something on my birthday, I will wait until the day of to open it.  I love surprises, and I love waiting! haha
All of our Christmas happens Christmas Eve and then I run around and take everything down that night so the 25th is purely birthday for Z.

That's so sweet, youre an awesome mom!

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I try to avoid all stores from Thanksgiving until after Christmas.  I can't stand the crowds and the parking lots.  I try to order everything online.  
My boyfriend dragged me to the new high end fashion outlet mall in Rosemont on F'ing Black Friday.  It actually wasn't too bad once we got past the parking lot, but people were standing in line with vouchers for their high end products.  Yes, lines for Prada and Michael Kors.  Definitely not my usual shopping place, but the lines were down the mall.  Geesh.  The bf did score 3 suits from Sarar, for the price of 1, which was a totally sweet awesome deal.  And I um, may or may not have bought a gigantic luscious cross body Coach bag for $<100.   I can neither confirm nor deny that the gorgeous piece of green buttery leather I'm now cuddling, was a black friday find. (And my boyfriend is doing the - I told you so, dance, from the other room as I type this).  I was adamant that I wasn't going near a mall on Black Friday, but he needed work clothes and it was totally worth it.  No Sephora outlet though - wouldn't that have been awesome!

Quote: Originally Posted by honeybee7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i am not a santa nor am i a santee and i and not ashamed to admit that i read this thread every day.thank you.*sits down* you girls are so sweet and this thread restores my faith in humanity!!!
Welcome  and join in on the fun!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That's good in theory, but in practice, cats don't give a **** that it's stay-away-from-stores season.  I take that back.  They give a lot of *****.  Especially when you just used the last of the litter last night.

Bwahahahah, that totally made me giggle out loud. Our two are Mr's poop-a-lot.  We use a 55 gallon tub for them and it's one box of litter at a time, because we have someone who likes to think he's digging to China,

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Got all my stuff wrapped!
So pretty!

Well, I have to brave the masses today. I need to go to Target, Walgreen's, and the grocery store. It think I'll get my hubby to go to petsmart for the dog food, I hate lugging around those 50 lb bags anyway!

Mine will definitely need to ship ground when I send it out, but I'm still waiting on several packages first. So I'll just be happy if I can ship it by early next week, although I imagine it will take a while getting to her. So all of you later shippers are not alone.
