(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My suggestion would be to volunteer after the new year! So many organizations have an abundance of volunteers and supplies because people are extra generous during the holidays, but lack the support they need the rest of the year! Remember that people are hungry and homeless year round, and shelters need the extra hands when it gets truly cold out!
Really excellent point!  That's been my experience with nonprofits here and in DC.  If you travel over the holidays and stay in a hotel, grab the bathroom toiletries because shelters are always looking for those as donations.

Ack I feel like I've been the worst SS ever, since I haven't posted anything in so long and have just been lurking on this thread and not saying anything. I've mostly been keeping this tab open and trying to keep up with 50% of the posts on my breaks from work. But I do promise to post immediately when I get my packages! I promise!! No matter how busy I am! And I will be ridiculously grateful for anything and everything my SS has bought for me. I can only imagine how busy everyone else must be as well.

Shopping for my SS has been awesome! I'm probably going to have to mail it in a USPS medium flat rate box just because my shopping has gotten a little out of hand....
 I'm torn on Black Friday deals at Sephora though. What if she gets them for herself? 

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My suggestion would be to volunteer after the new year! So many organizations have an abundance of volunteers and supplies because people are extra generous during the holidays, but lack the support they need the rest of the year! Remember that people are hungry and homeless year round, and shelters need the extra hands when it gets truly cold out!

This! We get so many volunteers and supplies at the food bank here around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but never have enough during the off season from January-April. The food supply dries up too, since stores and schools usually stop pushing food drives after the holidays. 

Quote: Originally Posted by secrethoarder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ack I feel like I've been the worst SS ever, since I haven't posted anything in so long and have just been lurking on this thread and not saying anything. I've mostly been keeping this tab open and trying to keep up with 50% of the posts on my breaks from work. But I do promise to post immediately when I get my packages! I promise!! No matter how busy I am! And I will be ridiculously grateful for anything and everything my SS has bought for me. I can only imagine how busy everyone else must be as well.

Shopping for my SS has been awesome! I'm probably going to have to mail it in a USPS medium flat rate box just because my shopping has gotten a little out of hand....
 I'm torn on Black Friday deals at Sephora though. What if she gets them for herself? 
I've worried about what if my santee buys items for herself during sales too.  Sephora does have a great return policy, even without receipt for store credit so worst case, she could return it.  If my SS is reading, I'm not buying anything for myself.  

Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's horrible! I hope the people who didn't send anything got banned. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but I feel like it's rude not to post a pic & description of the gifts received. Members on here took time, care, & hard-earned money to put these gifts together. A thank you & pic are definitely in order & should be part of the rules.
I am ok with my santee not posting in the reveal post, but I would be very hurt if she didn't even let me know that she got it.  I know not everyone has time or inclination to take a lot of pics etc but a PM saying 'hi, thank you!' should be necessary IMO.

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

SAME! Really I love handmade anything!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm awful at wrapping presents and not crafty at all. I'll try my best at making it pretty, but I'll be giving my Santee a disclaimer...
Me too :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I feel like a hypocrite since I LOVE nicely wrapped things, but I am just SO bad at it. 

Quote: Originally Posted by BagLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Of course I need it and can't find it at any local starbucks. I was thinking of getting one for my SS too if I find it but I'm not sure if she'll like it or not!
OMG LOVE this!!
I have made a point not to buy stuff that even vaguely applies to my list! I put on it that I love lipstick, and I have been good at not buying a any since the sign up date.

I have made a point not to buy stuff that even vaguely applies to my list! I put on it that I love lipstick, and I have been good at not buying a any since the sign up date.
Me too! I was at Target and they have these new maybelline elixir lipsticks with a clear tube and silver cap! I picked it up set it down, left beauty came back and looked some more then made myself leave! Lol I have also made it a point not to add onto my list in case they are done or nearly done shopping so it is not stressful for them!
Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  In actual SS news, I just ordered another gifty for my giftee....I would really love to wrap my presents in Grinch paper, however I get the feeling my SS doesn't dig Dr. Seuss as much as me...
OMG that sounds awesome! I wish I had grinch paper!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm thinking of getting a Butterbeer frap tonight before going to see the Hunger Games. So excite!
Oooh I never saw the secret menu before.  Interesting!

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm kinda sad that my SS isn't a Harry Potter fanatic (at least it didn't say so in their info) because I really wanted to get them this as an extra

OMG who would not LOVE that!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Exactly! I had one lady want a cotton candy frappe with the coffee base. I was like "are you sure?" She was absolutely positive. Then she wanted a refund because it was discusting and my fault... :/
What a ******

Quote: Originally Posted by mermuse /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This thread is on fire. I cannot keep up, and I'm sleeeeepppppyyy and crazy overworked on top of it.
I know, right??? It's all too much!

Quote: Originally Posted by BagLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Whew! I only missed 40 posts while at the movies.
FYI if you're a Hunger Games fan, go see Catching Fire. It was awesome!!

YESSS! I am seeing it this weekend!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

OMG Ann Sathers!!! You must live in Chicago!! I miss that place. I haven't been since 2011, but I think about it all the time! Denver has great diner places too, but nothing compares to Ann Sathers!
I miss Ann Sathers almost as much as I miss my family! Definitely a Chicago legend!

Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaWarwick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm in Chicago too! We should have a MUT meet up.

I have lots of friends cause I've lived here my whole entire life, but I always could use more!!! 
I'd love to meet up with any chicago ladies when I am visiting my family this Dec :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaWarwick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just assume your my SS...

Would you like specific Chicago food items in their package? For example... Garettes popcorn, Frango mints, Wrigleys gum ?
Um, is this a real question? OF COURSE!

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After reading many of her posts, my Santee appears to be a combo of me and my 2 best friends.  They are helping me decide what to get.  I'm holding off until Black Friday for her main gift, but I already have little extras and handmade stuff.
Aw, that is so cute that your friends are able to help :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I found Macy's Black Friday sales preview.  Click "Beauty" in red bar in middle of the page and they have 6 pages worth of deals.  Some great ones like $10 Butter London Duo, $15 Philosophy shower set, $10 stila smudgestick duo, $15 elizabeth arden 4 lipglosses, $21 benefit kit, $25 bare escentuals kit, $10 smashbox try it kit, $10 too faced cat eye kit, $25 clinque chubby stick set, etc.  

Ooooooh, thanks for this link!

This thread moves at lightning speed! its quite hard to keep up. Its so nice to find so many people who lived in Germany, where in Germany did you live?
I'm 33 and moved there in 7th grade, my step dad was stationed at Geilenkirchen (I can't remember how to spell that lol so hopefully it's not too off!) we lived in a small village called Tavern and I went to school at Afcent!
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @elizabethrose  they're on their FB  page! and someone linked to this too : http://www.seventeen.com/fashion/blog/black-friday-cyber-monday-sales

check out that UD! I want the lipsticks...but dont need all of them. what to do what to do.

Thanks for posting this! I've been counting down the days for the Sephora Black Friday sale. There are a lot more things I'm interested in getting this vs. last year, and I think my SS will like some of this stuff!

I've worried about what if my santee buys items for herself during sales too.  Sephora does have a great return policy, even without receipt for store credit so worst case, she could return it.  If my SS is reading, I'm not buying anything for myself.  :patches:
I'm afraid of this too! And like you, I'm not buying anything for myself. It's been hard but I don't want to get something and have my SS get it for me too!
I'm not a big snack person, but I'm a sucker for candy. I think candies like this: http://www.oliviersandco.com/sweets/honeydrops7-76oz.html are the best things in the world! I also love old fashioned candy sticks, rock candy, dum dum lollipops, and smarties (the American version, not the Canadian version). I actually think this has inspired a new hobby - making homemade candy! 

I really will be appreciative of anything I receive. I have been looking forward to this for so long!!   

Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Mac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm not a big snack person, but I'm a sucker for candy. I think candies like this: http://www.oliviersandco.com/sweets/honeydrops7-76oz.html are the best things in the world! I also love old fashioned candy sticks, rock candy, dum dum lollipops, and smarties (the American version, not the Canadian version). I actually think this has inspired a new hobby - making homemade candy! 

I really will be appreciative of anything I receive. I have been looking forward to this for so long!!   
Candy sticks, rock candy, and dum dums are great! Not a fan of smarties though... 

I want to update my wishlist per zadi's email and take stuff down since I got things in trades / returned things to BeautySage and Sephora but then I feel like I'd be a huge PITA for my SS. Dear SS, I'm trying to help not hurt I promise! I will be out for must of the day because I'm going on like 4 brewery tours for my older sisters birthday. I'll add/subtract my info at some point this weekend. I'm so excited and will be happy with whatever you send! I just want to be helpful! Xoxox Jess

I just read Zadi's PM and now I'm worried that my list is too vague or that some of the items are too pricey.  If you are my SS I hope you know that I will love everything you put in no matter what the price point!  If there is something on the list that is pricey and you find a lower cost brand that you like please feel free to substitute.  I mostly put specific items so you would have an idea of shade/scent/texture, etc.  I would be thrilled to find less expensive alternatives.  I also really mean it when I say I would love to try some of your favorites.  I am also happy to get drugstore brands and any handmade/homemade items.  I will be so excited just to see what you picked out!  I hope I haven't made this too stressful for anyone.  

Would someone be willing to check out my wishlist and tell me if it needs some filling in?

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just read Zadi's PM and now I'm worried that my list is too vague or that some of the items are too pricey.  If you are my SS I hope you know that I will love everything you put in no matter what the price point!  If there is something on the list that is pricey and you find a lower cost brand that you like please feel free to substitute.  I mostly put specific items so you would have an idea of shade/scent/texture, etc.  I would be thrilled to find less expensive alternatives.  I also really mean it when I say I would love to try some of your favorites.  I am also happy to get drugstore brands and any handmade/homemade items.  I will be so excited just to see what you picked out!  I hope I haven't made this too stressful for anyone.  

Would someone be willing to check out my wishlist and tell me if it needs some filling in?

I'm worried about this too, but my list is a guideline more than an actual wishlist. I'll be thrilled with whatever I end up getting from my SS. I just want to be part of the fun.

Quote: Originally Posted by evildrporkchop /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm worried about this too, but my list is a guideline more than an actual wishlist. I'll be thrilled with whatever I end up getting from my SS. I just want to be part of the fun.
Same here.  I am getting such joy out of shopping for my SS.  I'm hoping whoever has me is having the same experience.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I want to update my wishlist per zadi's email and take stuff down since I got things in trades / returned things to BeautySage and Sephora but then I feel like I'd be a huge PITA for my SS.

Dear SS,
I'm trying to help not hurt I promise! I will be out for must of the day because I'm going on like 4 brewery tours for my older sisters birthday. I'll add/subtract my info at some point this weekend. I'm so excited and will be happy with whatever you send! I just want to be helpful!
Xoxox Jess

Where are you going?!  Super jealous.  I'm coming to Wisconsin and doing all the brewery tours with you.  Plan?
