(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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So not alone I was just looking too and went "Crap!". So now I'm trying to decide if I should split it up.

Yeah...I have kind of done the same thing. On one hand, I want to send her all the things and make her happy! On the other hand, I don't want someone who actually stuck  to the budget to feel bad when she sees that so many of us went over...ahh...dilemma...Most of what I got are sets so I guess I can break up the sets to keep it reasonable (my sister's stocking would love the other things)....and I'm totally not counting extras...

All this dog talk is making me so sad.
They were stolen out of our backyard when we lived in military housing. My little Bemis and Thea. Oh god, now I'm crying.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yeah...I have kind of done the same thing. On one hand, I want to send her all the things and make her happy! On the other hand, I don't want someone who actually stuck  to the budget to feel bad when she sees that so many of us went over...ahh...dilemma...Most of what I got are sets so I guess I can break up the sets to keep it reasonable (my sister's stocking would love the other things)....and I'm totally not counting extras...
I think this year changed a bit since pretty much everyone went over lol!! The total RTV of the things I got my SS (Not including extras) is almost $70. I have to say that even if my SS stuck to the budget that is ok with me. I knew the budget but I couldn't help but getting more lol

Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @KellyKaye awwww! I'm so sorry to hear that!
thank you! It was the worst day of my life. It happened about 3 years ago and I would, up until we moved to New York, still drive around the town and look for them.

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think this year changed a bit since pretty much everyone went over lol!! The total RTV of the things I got my SS (Not including extras) is almost $70. I have to say that even if my SS stuck to the budget that is ok with me. I knew the budget but I couldn't help but getting more lol
I completely agree.  I'm fine if my SS stuck to the budget.  More power to them for having the self-control that I do not!  I'd honestly be happy with a tube of drugstore lip balm and candy so I know I'll love whatever I get, regardless of its retail value.

I completely agree.  I'm fine if my SS stuck to the budget.  More power to them for having the self-control that I do not!  I'd honestly be happy with a tube of drugstore lip balm and candy so I know I'll love whatever I get, regardless of its retail value.
My issue isn't the disparity in the gift to me but in other girls feeling bad or creeping my SS out lol also I have a border hopping box so shipping might be a factor
Yeah...I have kind of done the same thing. On one hand, I want to send her all the things and make her happy! On the other hand, I don't want someone who actually stuck  to the budget to feel bad when she sees that so many of us went over...ahh...dilemma...Most of what I got are sets so I guess I can break up the sets to keep it reasonable (my sister's stocking would love the other things)....and I'm totally not counting extras...
I know! That's how I feel about those who stuck to the budget. I don't want to make anyone feel bad about following the budget. I just keep seeing things and have so many ideas on what to get her. I really want to make her Christmas happy :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My issue isn't the disparity in the gift to me but in other girls feeling bad or creeping my SS out lol also I have a border hopping box so shipping might be a factor
Unless you hand-deliver the box, I doubt you'll creep your SS out 

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

All this dog talk is making me so sad.

They were stolen out of our backyard when we lived in military housing. My little Bemis and Thea. Oh god, now I'm crying.
I am balling at work over this--I would die if mine were taken from me! 
  Big Hug! 

Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes I agree, I hope everyone posts! I also hope everyone gets their gifts, I've seen in previous years that some people never got a gift =/ That would be a horrible let down.
That's horrible! I hope the people who didn't send anything got banned. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but I feel like it's rude not to post a pic & description of the gifts received. Members on here took time, care, & hard-earned money to put these gifts together. A thank you & pic are definitely in order & should be part of the rules. ^ I agree 100%.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really do hope everyone participates in the reveal this year! It'd be really sad for someone to put a lot of time and effort into a gift and never really get a reaction...I know that happened some last year...

I agree completely! I think it would break my heart if I tried to make her gift just absolutely perfect, so she'd open it and let out a gasp! And then to not ever know how she felt about it or anything.... would totally be a buzz kill. might even make me cry! haha
If this happened, I would definitely cry. I want to make my SS so happy and I want her to see the effort that went into it.

I really hope that no one flakes on their SS that would make me so sad and furious for that girl. Ughhhh, talking about this is giving me anxiety. I would cry and probably never visit MUT again if my person hated their gifts or didn't bother to post anything about it. I think their gifts are perfect and I put so much thought into it. I spent hours stalking their posts. 

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was in a wreck on Dec 8th of last year on the way to the post office to mail off my gift (my fault, 40MPH, slam on the brakes and rear-end).  My giftee didn't post until 20 days later, come to find out she thought she had posted but it didn't go through.  I was a nervous wreck, thinking it was misdelivered or something, even though the tracking had it as delivered.  Believe me, when I thought she just didn't care about posting, I was disappointed (but it was all unnecessary).

Now, exactly 11 months later on Nov 8th I was rear-ended on the interstate.  Luckily, he was able to slow down enough not to injure me, just my car.  I just don't have luck with my cars this past year.
 I'm sorry to hear. I'm glad you weren't injured. 

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

^Ditto Sorry for all the Doxie OT, but I just have to brag on my boy. I've been sick all week and he hasn't left my side.

AWWWW!!! This makes me want to cry!!!!!! 

You guys are making me like pets more....

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Remember, "never get involved in a land war in Asia - and never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line! AHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHA! AHAHA...."


Bahahaha I love The Princess Bride!  I did, however, lose Risk last night.  I started in Southeast Asia (we're playing Legacy- so we have a capital city there and it's scarred with a bunker.), so I took Australia in my first turn, at one point had all of Asia, and held on until the end.. but I never got the bonus for holding all of Asia!  Oh well- I've won the game once already, and Legacy plays out 17 games, so we still have a few to go (14!).  If anyone's looking for an amazing group game that changes every time you play- do Risk Legacy.  It is truly awesome.  Every time you play the board changes and when certain things happen in the game you get to unlock new challenges.. granted.. it's a 2-3 hour game every time you play.. but it's so worth it.  I have a group of guy friends who we all get together and drink beer and eat dinner and play.  I'm the only girl who regularly comes.. but it's so much fun.  They like me because I'm diplomatic :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, I have to have one of the fixit kits just because of the black and gold amazingness.  I'm utterly obsessed with gold.

I think I'm almost done with my SS stuff which makes me so sad!  I need to go pick up some extras (going to Trader Joe's tonight), and I need to go to LUSH- still trying to get the gumption to do that.. and then of course pretty wrapping.  Opening my Sephora order was too much fun last night!  But I had to go hide everything because some of it was for my roommate- I'm glad I'm not done with that.. it means I still get to go shopping!!

Edit:  But I completely forgot about my extra special Sephora order!  Now I just have to figure out how to get it on sale.. I wish we could preview black friday now!

Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am balling at work over this--I would die if mine were taken from me! 
  Big Hug! 

Thank you. It was so terribly sad. I have never owned another dog since and I am pretty sure that I am scarred for life. The hardest part about it was that my husband was on deployment when it happened... So I was all alone.

Unless you hand-deliver the box, I doubt you'll creep your SS out  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
That made me laugh so hard. I dunno, it's a lot of stuff and that advent is ******* HUGE so it might stay with me instead of trying to smuggle it in some place. If I sent everything advent included it'd be a giant box coming from someone they've never met.
I. LOVE. HANDMADE. JEWELRY. Even if it's something I wouldn't wear, I just love people who make jewelry because I have no artistic ability whatsoever (except with makeup). Super jealous of your SS!
Awww-- thanks! I hope she likes it. I put a link to my etsy shop in my signature if you wanted to take a peek at what I might be sending her.
Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

LOL hand-deliver the box! Omg. We all show up at each other's doors!!! Merry Christmas!!!!! Bahahhaha!
And then we all roll around in each others pretties! No big deal!

Quote: Originally Posted by dotybird /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Awww-- thanks! I hope she likes it. I put a link to my etsy shop in my signature if you wanted to take a peek at what I might be sending her.
HOLY COW! Your jewelry is so AWESOME!!!
