(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Haha! I know, right?! I definitely feel much closer to a lot of women on this forum , than I do with the majority of my friends in *real* life...they're always like "are you on that makeup site AGAIN?" :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
My "real life" friends think I am insane.
My "real life" friends think I am insane.
Mine, too!! Just yesterday a friend came shopping with me for my SS, and after I told her our limit, she said "and your spending THIS much on a person you don't even know?!?!" Yeah..she doesn't *get* it lol
Quote:Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Mine, too!! Just yesterday a friend came shopping with me for my SS, and after I told her our limit, she said "and your spending THIS much on a person you don't even know?!?!" Yeah..she doesn't *get* it lol

Yea -- My friends don't get it... but what's worse is they don't love makeup! WHAT?! Mister doesn't get it either. Just yesterday he said "GOOD LORD... Our porch looks like a UPS Store..." to which I said "hush and get those boxes in the house!!" :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> tehehehe. OOPS! To be honest, I love MUT for alot of reasons (even if I don't post quite as often as I used to)... but I think the biggest one is that this is mostly a judgement free zone... and I love that women can debate various topics (makeup related or not) and at the end of the day, rather than get ugly and mean, just say "hey, I agree to disagree with you. WE LOVE MAKEUP" and keep it movin'. Too bad REAL LIFE isn't like that all the time. hahaha!
Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Mine, too!! Just yesterday a friend came shopping with me for my SS, and after I told her our limit, she said "and your spending THIS much on a person you don't even know?!?!" Yeah..she doesn't *get* it lol

Yea -- My friends don't get it... but what's worse is they don't love makeup! WHAT?! Mister doesn't get it either. Just yesterday he said "GOOD LORD... Our porch looks like a UPS Store..." to which I said "hush and get those boxes in the house!!"
tehehehe. OOPS!

To be honest, I love MUT for alot of reasons (even if I don't post quite as often as I used to)... but I think the biggest one is that this is mostly a judgement free zone... and I love that women can debate various topics (makeup related or not) and at the end of the day, rather than get ugly and mean, just say "hey, I agree to disagree with you. WE LOVE MAKEUP" and keep it movin'. Too bad REAL LIFE isn't like that all the time. hahaha!
My husband is good.  He will ask me,"so what happened on your board today?"

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I feel like there are really great vibes going around in here, I hope that carries over to the reveal. 

Was last year the first year of SS, does anyone know?

I think that they have been doing SS since like 2007 maybe 2006 from the reveal threads I have gone through.

I hope everyone posts their reveals! I subbed to this years reveal thread to stalk the reveals! Some people that are on the list don't seem to come in here though so hopefully they will post a reveal!! I will take pictures of the stuff I send to my SS just in case lol

I read through last year's reveal and it was so exciting, and I wasn't involved at all. I'm already excited for this years!

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Sharing is caring.
"Paint me like one of your French girls"
Awww! What a cutie. Glad to see long haired doxie owners!! 

Quote: Originally Posted by alterkate /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She's kind of an inbetweenie. She's about 15lbs. So definitely not standard but a little bigger than a true mini. Her mama was a mini but she was a hussy. She was supposed to be bred with a particular male but they came home and found her in another male's pen. She can't be registered cause we couldn't get Maury Povich to tell us who the daddy is.
LOL!! That's great!! 

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  All these doxie pictures are awesome! I don't have one myself, buuuut my family on my mom's side is SUPER into them. Between all the relatives they probably have like twelve of them, and every summer they have a doxie themed party. Couldn't make that up if I tried! They have the dogs race across the yard (hilarious with their tiny legs!) and they always do a raffle for doxie-themed prizes... It's ridiculous in the best way 

ETA pictures, because why not?

Some of the contestants ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


This is Duke. He's my favorite and I laugh uncontrollably when I look at this picture, because he has this crazy smile on his face! He's SUPER old and the vet has told them for the last 5 years that he's going to die soon...but he doesn't. He's a tough old guy! 

Lining them up....

  I totally have video of this, but this is the dogs racing haha

OMG! That is the best.thing.ever!!! 

I finished my first handmade item for my giftee yesterday and spent another 2 hours on the second handmade item.  It was revealed last year that I sent 1 big ticket item and 3 handmade items.  From those of you who commented on what I made and sent, I decided to do similar handmade items this year.  I just haven't decided what items to actually purchase...decisions, decisions.

Just got done with suspension class this morning, I wish I could keep shopping for my girl. Does anyone have any idea if Atelier is sold in sephora stores? I'd love to go get a round of samples for myself and my SS.

Quote:Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif


My husband is good.  He will ask me,"so what happened on your board today?"

Wonder if your husband will teach a training class for the rest of the misters who just don't get it! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

And unless I've just missed it, no one has mentioned only the best Christmas movie ever.... Christmas Vacation!! "The ******* was full!!"

Or the second best Christmas movie... A Christmas Story!

.."the ******* was full!!" Best line in a Christmas movie EVER!! I seriously cracked up after I read your post. We would totally be friends in real life
Ha, I totally mentioned it earlier...because I watch it year round!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I really do hope everyone participates in the reveal this year! It'd be really sad for someone to put a lot of time and effort into a gift and never really get a reaction...I know that happened some last year...

If anyone lives near a Nordstrom Rack, I highly suggest going there and checking out beauty items if you need more presents for your SS (or yourself!)! I went to one and they have a ton of goodies from Urban Decay, Nars, Lorac, Stila and even some Pacifica. I definitely picked up some goodies! You just gotta be careful and check to make sure nobody has touched them.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really do hope everyone participates in the reveal this year! It'd be really sad for someone to put a lot of time and effort into a gift and never really get a reaction...I know that happened some last year...
Yes I agree, I hope everyone posts! I also hope everyone gets their gifts, I've seen in previous years that some people never got a gift =/ That would be a horrible let down.

No joke, we watch "A Christmas Story" on TBS from 8 o'clock Christmas Eve until 8:00 Christmas night. Our friend is in the beginning part of the movie and when we see him walk past everyone yells, "Manny", then we go back to doing whatever it was that we were doing. It started off as a joke 10 years ago, and it is now a tradition. My boys and I also bake a birthday cake for Jesus every Christmas eve because it's his birthday. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just got done with suspension class this morning, I wish I could keep shopping for my girl.

Does anyone have any idea if Atelier is sold in sephora stores? I'd love to go get a round of samples for myself and my SS.
I don't believe Atelier is sold at Sephora.  I used to buy it from an indie store here that imported it from Canada but since they closed the only time I've found their makeup is on flash sites like Gilt, Hautelook, etc.

I don't believe Atelier is sold at Sephora.  I used to buy it from an indie store here that imported it from Canada but since they closed the only time I've found their makeup is on flash sites like Gilt, Hautelook, etc.
It is indeed sold there. In fact, Orange Sanguine is currently one of the pick-three-free-samples-with-any-order options. ETA: And the vanilla-and-orange combo that layers to produce Creamsicle is usually in the impulse purchase bins by the registers!
Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I don't believe Atelier is sold at Sephora.  I used to buy it from an indie store here that imported it from Canada but since they closed the only time I've found their makeup is on flash sites like Gilt, Hautelook, etc.
@KellyKaye Ignore my post.  I was talking about Face Atelier.  You did just give me a new reason to shop at Sephora since I've never tried Atelier Cologne.  Enabler...

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It is indeed sold there. In fact, Orange Sanguine is currently one of the pick-three-free-samples-with-any-order options.

ETA: And the vanilla-and-orange combo that layers to produce Creamsicle is usually in the impulse purchase bins by the registers!
I just got that sample yesterday and I absolutely love it!!
