(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Oh and I was worried about one of my ss es gifts so I ended up including the gift receipt for it in an envelope in the box. It might be a good idea for those of you who didn't get a lot to go on when shopping.

Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh my, same. I got a Sephora box today. My boyfriend instantly started in, "why do you get so many packages?!" "why do you need more makeup?!". I then told him it was for my secret santa, "WHY DO YOU HAVE A SECRET SANTA?! WHY. WHO IS IT. DO I KNOW THEM. WHY DON'T I KNOW THEM. THAT'S DUMB ". Boys... they just don't understand. I'm jealous of the ladies on here who have men that are helping them shop! 
Yeah, exactly.  My boyfriend just kept asking me, "Why are you buying things for someone you don't know?" Um...because it's an awesome makeup secret santa.  That's why!

My husband and I both aren't really fans of romance movies. Unless they involve Spartans fighting to the death to come back home to their wives. Now that is some romance that I can watch ALL DAY, SON!

He will watch The Mindy Project with me and New Girl. But that is about as far as it goes.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If only I could find a 30 something year old guy to watch it with :/
*sigh*  You and me both.

(I have to say that I probably just really need good memories of this movie.  I watched it during a two-week power outage right before Christmas 2006.  There was a huge windstorm that knocked the power out for pretty much the entire Puget Sound area, but my apartment complex was extra-special because a tree landed on a transformer, so it took extra time to get our power restored.  I would take my portable dvd player and laptop to work to recharge them so I had something to do in the evenings because it was pitch black and somewhere around 40 degrees in my apartment, although the temperature would drop to freezing during the night.  Fortunately, we had showers at work, so I would take a shower at work, fill up every leakproof container -- water bottles and Thermoses -- with hot water, and then go home where I would dress from head -- and, yes, this means hats -- to toe in polarfleece.  Once I was home, I would cuddle under more polar fleece blankets with the hot water bottles and my kitty, and we would watch dvds on my dvd player/laptop until their batteries died.  The one thing I specifically remember watching in my pitch black and near-freezing apartment is _Love, Actually_.  After a few days, I realized I could actually feel myself losing my mind, so I made arrangements to go visit my aunt and work out of my company's offices in another city just so I could NOT FREEZE AT NIGHT.  Looking back, it was a really surreal experience, but it seemed completely normal at the time.)

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My husband listens to my various secret Santa musings and is very encouraging when I second guess myself. He likes Love Actually too. I think one reason it is so appealing is that it's a romantic comedy that is actually FUNNY instead of just sort of silly.

All of you are so inspiring! I hope that I end up finding something nice at the craft show this weekend. I have a box set aside for each of my ss es and I am putting things in randomly.

Am I the only person who wished more people had put in photos from secret Santa last year? It seemed like a lot of people had a hard time finding out if their ladies even got theirs. I hope this year goes really well for us all.

Agreed! I noticed that multiple people were inquiring about their ladies not posting or completely disappearing after SS was over and never knowing if they got their gifts. I hope my girl gets hers because I have put a lot of effort into my gifts for her. I think this is the most well thought-out gift that I have ever put together and I have really enjoyed doing it.

Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh my, same. I got a Sephora box today. My boyfriend instantly started in, "why do you get so many packages?!" "why do you need more makeup?!". I then told him it was for my secret santa, "WHY DO YOU HAVE A SECRET SANTA?! WHY. WHO IS IT. DO I KNOW THEM. WHY DON'T I KNOW THEM. THAT'S DUMB ". Boys... they just don't understand. I'm jealous of the ladies on here who have men that are helping them shop! 
This is why I wait to grab my packages until the man plays video games. Then I take them into the bathroom and lock the door for about 20 minutes. In this time I successfully unwrap everything very quiet like, I stuff it into old tupperware containers under the sink, flatten the boxes and slip them into the garage. I am so like a cat! Or a faceless man of braavos. I'm so slick.

Agreed! I noticed that multiple people were inquiring about their ladies not posting or completely disappearing after SS was over and never knowing if they got their gifts. I hope my girl gets hers because I have put a lot of effort into my gifts for her. I think this is the most well thought-out gift that I have ever put together and I have really enjoyed doing it.
Hopefully they will at least pm if not post. I plan to take my own pictures to post just in case. So you guys can appreciate my awesomeness. LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hopefully they will at least pm if not post. I plan to take my own pictures to post just in case. So you guys can appreciate my awesomeness. LOL
I will send you air fives and there will be an imaginary fireworks display!

I love all these excessive mail stories! My ups guy brings my packages to my office (a couple blocks from my apartment) if I'm not home. Now that's good customer service!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love all these excessive mail stories! My ups guy brings my packages to my office (a couple blocks from my apartment) if I'm not home. Now that's good customer service!
WOwza! That is so sweet of him!

Agreed! I noticed that multiple people were inquiring about their ladies not posting or completely disappearing after SS was over and never knowing if they got their gifts. I hope my girl gets hers because I have put a lot of effort into my gifts for her. I think this is the most well thought-out gift that I have ever put together and I have really enjoyed doing it.
I feel like that too! I haven't had as much time to devote as I would wish but I am really hoping it all works out. There are a lot of positive people on here so hopefully it will be festive and cheery all over the boards!
My husband and I both aren't really fans of romance movies. Unless they involve Spartans fighting to the death to come back home to their wives. Now that is some romance that I can watch ALL DAY, SON! He will watch The Mindy Project with me and New Girl. But that is about as far as it goes.
I heart the mindy project and the new girl!
Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I feel like that too! I haven't had as much time to devote as I would wish but I am really hoping it all works out. There are a lot of positive people on here so hopefully it will be festive and cheery all over the boards!
I feel like there are really great vibes going around in here, I hope that carries over to the reveal. 

Was last year the first year of SS, does anyone know?

I love all these excessive mail stories! My ups guy brings my packages to my office (a couple blocks from my apartment) if I'm not home. Now that's good customer service!
There are boxes everywhere in my house. My closet is stuffed so full I've been wearing the same shoes for three days. But Saturday is organize day. That way I can sort out who gets what and see if I need to go shopping some more.
Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

There are boxes everywhere in my house. My closet is stuffed so full I've been wearing the same shoes for three days. But Saturday is organize day. That way I can sort out who gets what and see if I need to go shopping some more.
As if there is a question whether or not to go shopping. haahhaaheehee.

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Talk about guilt trip. I stop petting Henry and this is the look I get:

Aaaahhhh! I have that exact same face staring up at me right now! Your Henry and my Maddie could be twins! Aren't long haired doxies the best??

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I heart the mindy project and the new girl!
Dr. Castellano and Dr. Lahiri! I want it to happen so badly!!!! It is driving me bonkers.

Seconded! They are totally cute together, with all the bickering and teasing. 
