The Supreme
Haha, I need a lushie- I'm a Lush Virgin =p
Me, too!! I'm dying to try their lip scrub!!Haha, I need a lushie- I'm a Lush Virgin =p Â
The deal with the gift-giving situation in my family isthat I was getting pressure to spend more time with my nephews, so I thought, okay, I'll give them each a roll of quarters and take them to Ground Kontrol and Big-Ass Sandwiches!  They've never been to either.  That will be cool.  But then the outing kept getting rescheduled by my brother and sister-in-law when they got a better offer whatever day had originally been set.  One time in particular, I was going to combine the annual school supply shopping trip (which also gets moved around by them multiple times every year for the same reason.  And I had tried to give them trips to movies for their birthdays, but *those* kept getting postponed and canceled, and so I gave up on those.  One movie trip got canceled *when I was in the car heading to their house to pick up Elder Nephew*) with this.  At the last minute, my sister-in-law emailed me to say that they were canceling the arcade part because they were going watertubing down the river (and then she invited me to go with them -- when I showed up to pick them up and was clearly not dressed to go anywhere other than Target for school supplies.  I think she waited until then because she knew I would say no if she waited and didn't ask ahead of time when she sent me the email because she was afraid I would accept the invitation). And instead of letting me take them to this cool experience for their first times to both places (which was the whole point), my brother started taking them there himself. The last straw was on Christmas a year later when we finally set a date and carved it in stone (the exact words I used) so I could take them on my birthday four weeks later -- and I made a specific comment about how this would be the first time in about twenty years that I did something on my birthday, so it was kind of a fortieth birthday present to myself!  It was the first time in about twenty years that I was actually *doing* something for my birthday. I talked about how excited I was about this and how I hadn't made any other birthday plans specifically because I could either do this or go out and do something else with coworkers (because I don't really have any friends in this town) for my birthday (because I was broke and had to pick one thing to do) *directly to my brother* for three weeks (at the time, I was on his bar trivia team, so I saw him every Tuesday).  Then the Sunday before it was all supposed to go down, I got a text message that it might be canceled because it was snowing, and they were going to go to their friends' cabin and have snowball fights.  I asked when they would know for sure, and I was told Monday.  Okay.  Maybe I can make some backup plans with coworkers on Tuesday after he lets me know.  Tuesday came and went with no answer.  He had decided (but hadn't told me.  He claimed that he did, but the last text message I had from him specifically said Monday) that he would tell me Tuesday *night* when he saw me in-person at trivia, and it was indeed canceled.  That meant I had three days to scramble for something else to do on my FORTIETH BIRTHDAY, and three days is not enough time to get something arranged with my coworkers.  Starting to arrange things on Tuesday *might* have been doable, but Wednesday was not happening. I was *livid* (and "livid" in this case means "cried in the shower for twenty minutes") because he wrecked my birthday and to this day doesn't acknowledge any concept that I have any right to be upset.  You can be damned sure that this wouldn't have happened if it had been *his* birthday*. This is standard behavior with my brother.  He refuses to discuss any conflict and just pretends he has *no clue* what is wrong.  No, actually, he doesn't pretend that he doesn't understand.  He pretends that *nothing is wrong*, period.  I spent too many years fighting with friends and actually *working things out* to be able to do that. I'm just an imposition and obligation to them.  I did end up going to a movie with a friend, but she's someone I met through him, and he treats her more like a sister and aunt to his kids than he will deign to treat me (pretty much the only times I get to see them is if she's babysitting them and invites me along), so f*** him.  (I think the only reason she went to the movie with me was out of pity because *she* was able to figure out how upset I was about the short-notice cancellation.)
Aww, thanks, guys!  The move portion of this was five years ago.  I'm too entrenched in this town now (I actually have a *job* that I don't despise!  The only time I have cried there involved a computer upgrade that didn't really have anything to do with my job function or coworkers!) and too broke (I had inherited some money, which funded the move, but then I was trying to get a job in 2009, and *no one* was so much as acknowledging my resumes at the time, so I spent all of the inheritance on such frivolities as rent and electricity) to be able to move.  I wish I could move, but every time I try, something just reaches up and forces me to stay (and I actually know some people who lived here, moved away, and ended up being pulled back, so it's not just me that this city refuses to let go).  If I could actually make friends** here, I would be set. ** I missed out on learning crucial friend-making skills when I was in grade school because we kept moving so frequently that I ended up just not bothering after a while to make any since we would just be moving in six months anyway.  I had a friend or two in the first couple of schools, but after I moved away, we never kept in touch, so I just gave up trying after the third school.  Then we ended up in a particular town for all of middle and high school (actually, my dad is still there, but I moved away for college), but that's just too late to learn how to make friends, plus I didn't fit in there anyway (smart math-oriented girl in small farming town = ever see or read _Carrie_?), so it's just never been a skill I have managed to acquire. [/quote I missed how to make friends as well. I moved alot and I was kinda the weird kid growing up. I wad weird because I marched to the beat of my own drum and didn't do something just because it was cool. Peer pressure didn't work on me. I also wore Marilyn Manson I guess still as a 30 year old I still mar h to the beat of my own drum.