(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  only if you want the lotion the perfume is 1.7 i think
Oh, okay now I feel better. I rather have more of the perfume, seeing that I pretty much bathe myself in it!

I enjoy being awkward around people and creeping in the first place. It's just really fun, so I totally understand where you are coming from... A couple of weeks ago I was at Busch Gardens and we were watching one of their stage shows. Well the building was empty but this guy and his best friend decided to sit RIGHT NEXT TO ME! We weren't even in good seat because we had a 3 year old with us so we were near the exit in case we needed to leave quickly. Then, to make things worse, he put his arm on my hand rest.... soooo I did the natural, albeit totally awkward thing and reached over and held his hand! HAHAHAHAHAHA You should have seen his face!!!! My husband, sister-in-law and her husband were watching and they couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say, he got up and left. I didn't think he would leave, but apparently I creeped him out enough.
Oh my gosh! Best story ever! I'm laughing so hard right now!
Oh my goodness, lol, I was thinking of the Sugar lip balm. I never tried this perfume.

Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What are you guys doing for extras? I'm going shopping today & would appreciate any suggestions.
My extras are a couple small samples,a Julep nail polish, an accessory, and a pair of earrings. 

I'm kind of sad all my shopping is over lol

What are you guys doing for extras? I'm going shopping today & would appreciate any suggestions.
You can see what non related items they like, moisturizers, scarfs, gloves, chocolate, bubble baths. I think with extras you really can't go wrong. Unless it's something that they don't want.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh my goodness, lol, I was thinking of the Sugar lip balm. I never tried this perfume.
Oh it's good, if you like sweet scents. Your post got me thinking, how awesome would it be if Pink Sugar made a lip balm - Cotton Candy goodness!

What are you guys doing for extras? I'm going shopping today & would appreciate any suggestions.
I'm doing a Ciate caviar kit as an extra as well as some candy treats and local items.
Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm trying so hard not to rip mine open! I'm supposed to save it and wrap it and make it from my husband for my Christmas present but I have no time for that when I just want to douse myself in it LOL
I was bad and tried getting into my bottle but the dang thing is like glued into the packaging lol. I guess that was Santa's way of telling me to stay out lol. I'm going to have to cut the packaging to get the bottle out though =( I love the packaging too darn it!

My extras are a couple small samples,a Julep nail polish, an accessory, and a pair of earrings.  I'm kind of sad all my shopping is over lol
You can always go to various stores in the mall at their perfume counter for example and pick up free samples. Sometimes they have them sometimes not. I find that they are more willing to give them out around the holidays, especially Black Friday.
Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh it's good, if you like sweet scents. Your post got me thinking, how awesome would it be if Pink Sugar made a lip balm - Cotton Candy goodness!
Omg if they made a lip balm I would call it my precious and love it like Gollum loved the ring that ruled them all HAHAHA

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm doing a Ciate caviar kit as an extra as well as some candy treats and local items.
Oooh I have always wanted to try that polish, it looks so interesting with the little bead things.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You can always go to various stores in the mall at their perfume counter for example and pick up free samples. Sometimes they have them sometimes not. I find that they are more willing to give them out around the holidays, especially Black Friday.
Great idea!

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Omg if they made a lip balm I would call it my precious and love it like Gollum loved the ring that ruled them all HAHAHA
LOL! I would be scared that I might accidently eat it!

I get to finish my shopping on Wednesday. I hope my SS isn't stressing about my gift. I'm super easy and will love anything! I am so excited about what I have planned for my SS. It may take a few hours to execute, but I love it and hope it is appreciated.

@Animezing makeup related extras or others? Right now I am thinking mini nail polishes, eyeliner, candy and a candle, maybe a scarf. 
