Did you notice...(about MUAs)

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Mar 2, 2007
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did you notice how all good and known muas look?

none of them have any good mu on,and when you see them,you'd never tell they are artists like that!!

why is that?

ok,those muas at the dept stores and sephora,they are all made up..but those professionals ,big shots-some don't even wear mu!

Yep I've noticed that too! I've always wondered about it. Maybe they just want to practice their creativity on others and since they already have a big reputation, they don't need to show their skills on their own face like the MUA at stores do. Bobbi Brown for example is one I've never seen with MU. I've always thought she should wear a little at least, after all it's fun.

Sometimes they just dont want to put on makeup everyday. Also ive seen the put makeup on eachother.

I agree..they don't have anythign to prove at this point.

"artist" at the counters are judged by their appearance..they can't make any sales if they don't wear the product and get you to buy it.

They also have to prove they aren't going to make you look like a clown...:rockwoot:

I think its a couple of different things:

1. They do makeup apps all the time - probably don't have alot of time of inclination to do themselves up all glam, just for back-stage work and stuff.

2. They have their own looks down pat - they know the moisturizer to use, how to do the minimum that gets them polished and clean looking.

3. Often, their features aren't as much fun to do bit makeup apps on as are the features of the models they get to use. I know I'd LOVE to doll up some beautiful young girl with smooth skin, big eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. So different from me, and more able to carry off exotic or dramatic looks.

4. They are artists. Models are the canvas, makeup is the paint. Not many artists are totally into doing a series of self-portraits.

5. Makeup has become about technique and effect rather than self-expression.

It's interesting to note, though!

Yep I've noticed this too, I was thinking about Bobbi Brown too. Great points bmichlig!

One of the MUA that I never see wearing makeup is Pat McGrath and she has the best features too! One of these days I wanna see her just wear a little something.

Great points...especially #4.

that's what i noticed about Dany Sanz (Makeup forever). i don't think she wears makeup, though i think i saw her once with mascara and lipstick.:kopfkratz:

ever wondered why people working in ice cream factories never eat it

prob cause they are tired of it


MAU get tired of putting it on also

but in know what you mean, some look totally hobbo

I love makeup...but after months of makeup artistry training, I got sick of having it on my skin. I had days in class when I had makeup put on my face, and then taken off three times! It does a number on your skin. Some days I was actually in pain. Especially around my eyes.

I go for a very minimal makeup look right now. I just don't feel like I need, or want, a lot of stuff on my face anymore. It's weird. I much prefer putting it on other people. Also...it's work. (Even though it's work I LOVE!) Sometimes it's the last think I feel like doing, especially when I have to go out and put makeup on a bunch of other people.

totally agree, If i was one I would not want to put a drop of makeup on my face anymore!


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