Depotting MAC e/s instructions forums

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Will the empty pan container (without inner plastic pan) be accepted for Back 2 MAC?

Originally Posted by Liz /img/forum/go_quote.gif what i like to use is this little lighter that is like a torch. it heats it up really fast compared to a candle or something. since the flame comes straight out, not like candle or regular lighter flames that may waver around from the wind blowing it. i have to do mine ouitside because the smell is horrible and will stink up the apartment. I use the torch as well. Has anyone found that the colors like Rice Paper tend to break when you depot them? Has anyone found away to prevent this from happeing?
Hi all, I'm new to all this forum and posting but I've recently come to love MAC makeup and can't get enough of it. My name is Vivian and I live in Atlanta. Would some please tell me how depotting an eyeshadow can get a new lippie at the store? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Thank you!

Thank you so much for posting! I was very skeptical at first (I'm not good at this kind of thing). I used the candle method. It worked perfectly and I didn't destroy any!!!!

Ok, I am very NEW to wearing makeup as I've just been discharged from the Army. Ummm...I think I understand the depotting but I would appreciate some clarification: are you ladies basically creating personalized e/s pallets?


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