Dark Circles

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Mar 19, 2005
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I want to cover up my dark circles under my eyes. I have tried some concealers before, but they don't seem to work. I don't want to keep having to buy products for them not to work, so I need your expertise!

Anyway, I have very pale skin and dark brown hair. I'm not sure what tone my skin, I have never been able to work it out.

Originally Posted by fa3rie I want to cover up my dark circles under my eyes. I have tried some concealers before, but they don't seem to work. I don't want to keep having to buy products for them not to work, so I need your expertise!
Anyway, I have very pale skin and dark brown hair. I'm not sure what tone my skin, I have never been able to work it out.

The best thing I've tried that covers everything is Dermablend - it will hide anything!
I love Max Factor Panstik for a fuller coverage concealor. It doesn't completely hide my dark circles, but I don't know that anything will.

Oh no, Trisha - I wish I wouldn't have read this, LOL! I've been wondering about KA SSE for ages... guess I need to add it to the top of my wishlist now!

Can I pop into this thread? I also have very pale skin and dark circles and haven't found a good concealor either... however I am also starting to develop some fine lines in my circles (and I'm only 23!
) Do any of these recommended concealors cake up in fine lines? I'm especially interested in the MF Panstick, you know I love drugstore products when I can find some good ones

Girl_geek, I tried MF Panstik for the 1st time a few wks back & have to say I'm loving it. I wear it as a foundation some days & I love the finish I get. Other days I use it under my eyes. I'd definetly recommend trying it out!

I find that Clinique Advanced Concealer is best for my dark circles. I recently used Neutrogena Skin Soothing Undereye Corrector and I liked that too. I hear Prescriptives Camouflage Cream is also good, but have never tried it. However, Dermablend has the best reputation for concealers, since they're designed to cover dark blemishes and birthmarks.

I've tried Prescriptives Camoflauge Cream and has a nice thick consistency and provides pretty good coverage. However their lightest color is too dark and yellow for my skintone so it just makes my circles look really weird! But if you can find a shade that works it may be a good option.

KA SSE!! You can cover anything with that. It is a small jar but you don't need to use a lot and you can use it as your foundation too.

Originally Posted by girl_geek I've tried Prescriptives Camoflauge Cream and has a nice thick consistency and provides pretty good coverage. However their lightest color is too dark and yellow for my skintone so it just makes my circles look really weird! But if you can find a shade that works it may be a good option.
Of course u all knew i would pop in and give a shout out to the Kevyn Aucoin SSE!

Actually i wanted to add this for those of you who use dermablend. Kev's sister likes to discribe the SSE as 'gods answer to dermablend.' The SSE has the same effect, but isn't drying like dermablend, and is much more versatile. We had to use dermablend in my wedding to cover up some tattoos, and instead of seeing the tats in the pics, u can see cracking - their skin looks like a mini sahara! Sure wish i knew about this stuff back then!

Hi fa3rie,

I know exactly what you mean about buying different products that didn't seem to 'work'. When i first came here to MuT,i too was looking for advice about concealor's. I had bought them all, from the famous Touch Eclat by YSL and every just about every other concealor going.However i picked up a Fantatsic tip that has NEVER let me down from another member GR8FISCH, who advised me to try using a slighlty Yellow Toned Concelaor. Believe it or not...IT WORKED! When i tell you i had PANDA EYES, please belive me I DID!!! The thing with the light reflecting concealors is if you don't actually know how or where to apply it, it will highlight any shadow's and darkness making them look far worse than they are. That was my problem.I didin't know where exactly to put the concelaor.I know you said you are pale (i am pale too with jet black hair) but if you can find a concelaor (not a light reflecting one) with a yellowish tone this will 'block out' the blackness/shadow/darkness under your eyes. Rimmel make a great 'stick' concealor in different shades and tones.So do Revlon,Elizabeth Arden also make a good one with yellow tones and so do Models Prefer,Crem and Mojhave Magic. Once you have used the yellow toned concelor under your eyes you can then very carefully use your Light Reflecting Concealor wand (if you want) and apply it only to the 'dent/hollow/crease' of the eye socket to brighten that area up further.Once you have used the LRC on the eye crease just let it sit on your skin to warm up and then tap it very slightly until it blends in with your makeup.You might find you will never use your LRC again (for shadows)after trying the yellow toned conceaor. Now i use my LRC to 'highlight area's' on my face.Brow bones, cupids bow and top of cheekbones.


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