Dark armpit help needed

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I have this problem too. Since I have been alternating between shaving and using Nair the problem has gotten better.

I started noticing my underarms darkening quite alot after shaving regularly. Also, I get lots of ingrowns on them. I have stopped shaving for some years now, but the area is still dark, and I exfoliate with a sponge every day but there wasen't much improvement either.

I have this problem too! I will definitely have to try exfoliating.

How long does your underarm hair have to be to wax??

i went out and bought an exfoliating scrub and i've used it about 2-3 times now but i'm not so sure if i see results. do you ladies see it right away or does it take a while? should i be spending longer time scrubbing really hard to get rid of the darkness?

how often do you guys exfoliate for underarms?

what about natural things which you can try to put on underarms? i've heard about lemon juice and sugar before



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