Originally Posted by
diablo2g /img/forum/go_quote.gif I dont even know where to begin. It's 4:00 am and I can't sleep. I am so upset and I'm crying my eyes out. For the longest time, my skin was great and now, lately, I don't know what it is, I just keep breaking out and I don't know what to do anymore. I had this perfect cleanser (St. Ives Clear Pore Cleanser) and it kept my skin so clear it was ridiculous. Now they have discontinued that cleanser and my skin has been suffering ever since. There have been no drastic changes to my lifestyle or diet. In fact, I'm eating even healthier now and drinking more water. I don't know if something in my body changed internally or what, but this crap needs to stop. I desperately need to find something that will stop the pimples!
I've treid the following:
Clean & Clear Daily Pore Cleanser: DOESN'T WORK!
Nutrogena Deep Clean Cleanser: DOESN'T WORK! (Neutorgena products don't usually do much for me)
I even bought a bottle of tea tree oil and added it to my cleansers. That seemed as if it was helping for a while but now I have a fresh set of pimples on my face that will turn into dark scars whether I pick at them or not. If this doesn't stop, my face is going to be covered in dark spots. I don't even wanna be around my boyfriend cuz I feel so self conscious. My mom, of course, loves to remind me about my skin every chance she gets. And even though I see so many acne cleansers in the stores, how can I know which one will actually be the one to work? How much money can I realistically spend trying dozens of cleansers?
I don't yet want to start considering prescription pills and all of that so I turn to you guys. Mainly I just want a cleanser that is really known to help clear skin. I really really just wanna keep it simple and just be able to wash my face, moisturize, and go about my business. I have an acne spot treatment but I want the pimples to stop coming! PLease help! Flood me with your suggestions.....
Im sorry you are going through this
. I swear its like a curse, I know how you feeel because I am going through the exact same thing right now even aafter being on accutane like 3 times. I really wish I could give some answers but what works for one person doesnt work for the rest. Right now I am using Benzoyl Peroxide and although its not making it all go away it is deffinitely helping. Tea tree oil doesnt do piss all for me anymore it used too but not anymore. What are the odds...
Anyways I really hope you find something, nobody deserves to suffer with this crap. I feel your pain, it is very depressing.... The mirror becomes a bad enemy. But I am sure you are still beautiful.