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May 3, 2012
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I went to opt in for the "Cooking Light" cravebox today and noticed that the monthly/quarterly boxes were no longer listed at the bottom of the list.  Then under the Cooking Light info it now says:

Cravebox is a fun product discovery service that brings you fabulous products in beautiful, themed boxes. Each Cravebox costs $12 to $15, is delightfully designed around a central theme, and includes 4 to 6 specially selected products. Every box is designed by expert Cravebox Curators, who scour the world to find the most interesting, delicious and wonderful products to bring to our members. Our boxes are themed around dozens of categories, including:


So the price has gone up and there is no more subscriptions we have to opt in?  Did I miss an email or something where they told us about this?

Originally Posted by PaulaG /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I went to opt in for the "Cooking Light" cravebox today and noticed that the monthly/quarterly boxes were no longer listed at the bottom of the list.  Then under the Cooking Light info it now says:

Cravebox is a fun product discovery service that brings you fabulous products in beautiful, themed boxes. Each Cravebox costs $12 to $15, is delightfully designed around a central theme, and includes 4 to 6 specially selected products. Every box is designed by expert Cravebox Curators, who scour the world to find the most interesting, delicious and wonderful products to bring to our members. Our boxes are themed around dozens of categories, including:


So the price has gone up and there is no more subscriptions we have to opt in?  Did I miss an email or something where they told us about this?
Nope. They also didn't notify their subscribers when they went from monthly boxes to every-few-months-when-they-got-around-to-it-boxes.

It's why I cancelled. That''s not how you treat customers.

Used to be such a great sub, I think they've really screwed everything up.

Well that's lovely.. So I have (what used to be) a monthly sub and have always gotten those boxes. Does this mean they're changing over to solely what they referred to as Limited Edition boxes and the lottery system?

I personally like their themed boxes, I have never even gotten off the waiting list for the monthly subs so I can't say I know what I was missing lol. While I wasn't happy with the book lovers box I did love the licorice so much that it's worth it to have found a new product (isn't that what sample boxes are about?). and the summer beauty box was amazing. I'm gonna be sticking it out because I think having themed boxes are definitely unique, hell, I got 6 foil samples and two packets of tea in my Sept Birchbox for $10..Cravebox definitely beats that IMO.

It's not even that I dislike the limited edition boxes...I mean, the ones I have gotten have sucked, but the idea is nice...but you can't do away with the subscription part of a subscription service without even notifying your subscribers. I expect a lot of people to be upset about this, as over the last few months there have been a ton of questions on their FB asking when the next supposed monthly box would be, and each one is responded to with a vague non-answer. 

It's terrible customer service. They could start sending out limited edition boxes of gold and rainbows and I wouldn't buy one.

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well that's lovely.. So I have (what used to be) a monthly sub and have always gotten those boxes. Does this mean they're changing over to solely what they referred to as Limited Edition boxes and the lottery system?
Sounds like it.

Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's terrible customer service. They could start sending out limited edition boxes of gold and rainbows and I wouldn't buy one.
Bahahaa I'm cracking up at my desk over here! Too funny lol.

Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's not even that I dislike the limited edition boxes...I mean, the ones I have gotten have sucked, but the idea is nice...but you can't do away with the subscription part of a subscription service without even notifying your subscribers. I expect a lot of people to be upset about this, as over the last few months there have been a ton of questions on their FB asking when the next supposed monthly box would be, and each one is responded to with a vague non-answer. 

It's terrible customer service. They could start sending out limited edition boxes of gold and rainbows and I wouldn't buy one.
I saw your comments on fb. I totally agree. You can't treat your customers like this. I am so done w/ them!!

I have a 'regular' Cravebox subscription and just received this email outlining the changes - I kind of enjoy the 4 "guaranteed" credits and being able to choose boxes. Thoughts?

Quote: Howdy Cravers!

  I’m writing to fill you in on some exciting updates at Cravebox. As we’ve watched the business grow this year (thanks to you), we’ve heard a few very consistent messages from our Cravers, and one request more than any other. That message is about CHOICE. We’ve heard from you over and over that you want to choose the boxes you get, and get the boxes you choose. 
We also recognized that having two separate programs was a little confusing for people. We regularly hear from Subscribers like you, who are sometimes much more interested in getting the Limited Edition boxes. We also hear from non-subscribers who really wanted the Subscription boxes. With all of this in mind we set out to find a way to better serve our members, and make ALL of them happy consistently.
So we’ve decided to make a couple of changes that we think you’re going to love. First, we’re not going to offer two kinds of Craveboxes anymore. Starting today, there are just Craveboxes. No more Limited Edition boxes or Subscription boxes, just Craveboxes. 
But we very much want to honor the loyalty you’ve shown us as a Subscriber. We want to help make sure that you get the Craveboxes you want when they’re available, without having to roll the dice on our drawings. So, we have added four Guaranteed Selection Awards to your Profile.

These special Awards guarantee that you’ll get four boxes of your choice without having to roll the dice on the drawing. You’ll still pay for the boxes, but you’ll be able to use your Guaranteed Selection Awards to get any four boxes of your choice – Guaranteed.Please note that these apply to all future drawings, and are not valid for the Cooking Light Cravebox.
Going forward, we’ll be offering you many different ways to earn and acquire more Guaranteed Selection Awards, so consider this the first of many. All of us here at Cravebox really hope you like this new approach. 
And finally, I want to tell you again, from the bottom of my heart, how much we value you and your Cravebox membership. In the coming weeks we’ll be announcing all kinds of new boxes that are going to continue to expand and extend the value of a Cravebox membership. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please email us at[email protected] and we’ll hop to it. 
Stay tuned, thank you, and Crave On!
Kitty M. Kolding, CEOCravebox, Inc.

I just got this too!  I have only ever gotten LE boxes from Cravebox.  I signed up for them like 4 months ago and still haven't been able to get a slot.  I'm ok with it.  I got the Dog Lover's box-awesome!  Summer beauty box was meh.  Skipped the back to school and book lovers LE boxes.

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have a 'regular' Cravebox subscription and just received this email outlining the changes - I kind of enjoy the 4 "guaranteed" credits and being able to choose boxes. Thoughts?
I kind of like it because I will be able to not get boxes of food (they always sound appealing, but then once I get them, I am unimpressed.  It's why I canceled Conscious Box:  It was mostly food, and I tended to give most of it away), but I also really liked just getting a box of surprises without having to pick.  I'll probably use my four guaranteed box picks (I've had my eye on that coffee box since it was announced) and then just kind of forget about this no-longer-a-subscription.  

  Howdy Cravers!
I’m writing to fill you in some exciting updates at Cravebox. We’ve been listening to feedback from our members, and we recognize that having two separate programs has been a little confusing for people. We regularly hear from Subscribers who are sometimes much more interested in getting the Limited Edition boxes. We also hear from non-subscribers who really wanted the Subscription boxes. With all of this in mind we set out to find a way to better serve our members, and make ALL of them happy consistently.
So we’ve decided to make a couple of changes that we think you’re going to love. First, we’re not going to offer two kinds of Craveboxes anymore. Starting today, there are just Craveboxes. No more Limited Edition boxes or Subscription boxes, just Craveboxes. 
In the next few weeks, we’ll be announcing some fun new ways to help you make sure that you get the boxes you want most, without rolling the dice on the Drawings. I speak for all of us at Cravebox when I say we really hope you like this new approach. 
And finally, I want to tell you again, from the bottom of my heart, how much we value you and your Cravebox membership. In the coming weeks we’ll be announcing all kinds of new fun offerings that will make being a Cravebox member more fun than ever. In the mean time, if you have questions, comments or concerns, please email us at [email protected] and we’ll hop to it. 
Stay tuned, thank you, and Crave On!
Kitty M. Kolding, CEO

Cravebox, Inc.

I have never 'won' a spot in any of the drawings for a subscription or a Limited Edition box.  The email I received is a little different from the one posted by JessP.  It says,

In the next few weeks, we’ll be announcing some fun new ways to help you make sure that you get the boxes you want most, without rolling the dice on the Drawings. I speak for all of us at Cravebox when I say we really hope you like this new approach.
I wonder what the new approach will be?  I vote for, first come first served.  If they make us 'tweet' or 'share' or 'follow them' they will have lost me as a potential customer.

Sorry for being negative.  Hopefully it will be something really nice.

I have never 'won' a spot in any of the drawings for a subscription or a Limited Edition box.  The email I received is a little different from the one posted by JessP.  It says,  
In the next few weeks, we’ll be announcing some fun new ways to help you make sure that you get the boxes you want most, without rolling the dice on the Drawings. I speak for all of us at Cravebox when I say we really hope you like this new approach.

I wonder what the new approach will be?  I vote for, first come first served.  If they make us 'tweet' or 'share' or 'follow them' they will have lost me as a potential customer.


Sorry for being negative.  Hopefully it will be something really nice.
Interesting! I wonder if maybe they'll do like a prepay thing to get guaranteed box credits or something? Kind of like the 4 free ones mentioned in the email I got. I don't know what other ways would be unlike "rolling the dice" but we shall see!
I actually signed up for the lottery for a couple of the specialty boxes, but I am with Meganola. If I have to WORK to BUY something, forget it.

I also agree. Also, by "free" I meant they gave 4 guaranteed credits to our accounts for free if you had a regular subscription (I realize they won't be giving free boxes, although that would be cool lol). It should be interesting to see what types of themes they'll put together - hopefully a few new ones. Definitely interested in the Coffee Lovers box but I don't see anything else that speaks to me yet.
