Commercial products or home remedies ? forums

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Oct 16, 2012
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Hi :) Everyone is having their own choice but i really like to know who will prefer skin care products from some random companies and who will go with home remedies when it comes to care of your skin ?

Homemade skincare all the way. Your skin absorbs everything that you put on it, which means all the nasty chemicals found in most skincare products make their way into your body just as good as if you'd eaten the stuff. Plus, I haven't found a single store bought product that beats good old fashioned oatmeal-- where else are you going to find something that's a cleanser, scrub, mask, AND a natural moisturizer all in one? Not to mention oatmeal has the added benefit of healing your skin as well as cleaning it. I'll never go back to store bought skincare, never!

I prefer homemade remedies. Homemade Skin Care Products are safe, inexpensive and very easy to use.There are no side effects of home made Skincare products.

There can be side effects.. just because it's made in your kitchen does NOT mean you won't have adverse effects. That's a possibility with any product used. Really, it's a matter of personal choice and maybe time/effort.

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There can be side effects.. just because it's made in your kitchen does NOT mean you won't have adverse effects. That's a possibility with any product used. Really, it's a matter of personal choice and maybe time/effort.
There's always a chance, especially if you have any allergies that you weren't aware of, or if you're not in the know about the chemistry behind what you're using (for example, using lemon juice as a skin lightener causes photosensitivity and increases your chances for skin cancer). I have to say, though, that you're less likely to suffer the same kind of problems you would face with something store bought. Unfortunately, many companies use chemicals that are not only not safe for use on skin, but are actually toxic and long term use can lead to some pretty horrible consequences. Those of us in the U.S are at risk because intellectual property laws shield these companies and give them the right not to disclose everything that's in their products. At least I know what I'm dealing with when I make my own stuff.

Agree! eating habits completely depends upon our eating habits. We should eat healthy to stay healthy. Everyone should follow daily diet chart...
