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Mar 8, 2005
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I got this really cute short trenchcoat today, from Zara.

And then I got this cute yellow top from Monsoon (I love this store, we just got it a few months ago!), it was 70% off!!

EXCUSE the messy background btw!



Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Love them both, especially the coat. I need one just like that! Can I borrow it?
hehe you wish. I`m just too in love with it to share
Originally Posted by lia_matos /img/forum/go_quote.gif These are some really cute clothes! I bought me some as well on Saturday, but i've been too lazy to take pics of them thanks. Take pics, I wanna seeeee!
The trench coat is cute! I also like how that buttery colored shirt looks on you! More people should wear that color, it is so under-used.

Haha, your background is funny. Clothes everywhere. Hey! It matches the themes of your pictures.

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif The trench coat is cute! I also like how that buttery colored shirt looks on you! More people should wear that color, it is so under-used.
Haha, your background is funny. Clothes everywhere. Hey! It matches the themes of your pictures.

haha yeah. I am soo messy, it´s mainly because it´s MY apartment and I love how nobody will give me sh*t about it because I´m the only one who lives there. It´s such freedom!!!
Oh and I forgot to say, anyone who has "Monsoon" near to them needs to go there ASAP.

Monsoon Accessorize

their clothes are so feminine and come in such pretty colors (bright, pastel, patterns, everything you could ask for) and they use fabrics like the softest cotton and a lot of silk also. Lots of applications on the pieces to make everything just sooo pretty

The only downfall is the price range. It´s a little more expensive than your regular H&M or Forever 21 clothes.
