Chemical hair relaxer?? forums

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Oct 19, 2006
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i went to sallys today and i was looking at hair relaxers. and they have one by i think clairol, called one 'n only curl remover and there was another one, i dont remember what it is but it was the same brand. has anyone ever done this? how did it come out? also i dye my hair about every 5-6wks, usually with a semi, however this week i used a permanent. is this a bad idea or should i just go for it??? im really sick of taken 40+ to do my hair

You need to wait at least 2 weeks, although about 4 would be better. I used to color (permanent) and relax my hair, and it was brutal! My poor hair became VERY porous and damaged. Once I quit coloring it, and stopped using heating tools as much, it got a lot healthier. I would also do a deep conditioner before relaxing it. Also, you might want to get it done professionally to ensure the least damage is done.

You may want to wait awhile before you relax or color again. I have damaged my hair doing things to it with hair dye and relaxers that I am too ashamed to mention. Just be careful! I have dyed my hair and relaxed it, it didnt hurt the first 10 times.

maybe i will just deal with the straightner. bc i have completely damaged my hair, from bleach, changing my hair so much and getting it stripped out. and its finally getting healthy and shiny again i guess i should let it keep going that way

If you have permanent color and want to relax, you should wait 6 weeks to relax and you need to use a no-lye (calcium hydroxide based) relaxer in order to minimize damage. The reason is because the ammonium and peroxide in the permanent color have already compromised the hair and adding the relaxer will damage the hair even more. If you do do the relaxer and color, make sure to do plenty of moisturizing deep treatments before and after each service because your hair will be extremely dry.
if you hair is finally returning to a healthy state, i would steer clear of relaxers unless you go to a pro and especially so soon after coloring! i'm all for home relaxers. i used them for many years with great success, but they can spell big trouble if used incorrectly! jmho~

The curl remover is not going to completely remove the curl. It will just relax some. Did you notice the pictures on the back of the box? It shows a couple of before and afters. You should've asked the girls at Sally's. We love helping people.

One n Only is the brand, btw

Actually, my hair experienced worse damage with No-Lye Relaxers. Intuitively, as a Chemist, I see Calcium Hydroxide as even worse than Lye. Lye is harsher on the scalp, but it generally left my hair intact.

I don't use chemical relaxers of that sort anymore, only Dominican Blowouts. I hear "Affirm" is good and gentle, but it doesn't get you bone straight though.


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