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She's so pathetic, I wonder what she's thinking when she leaves the house.

"I wonder how trashy I can look today?"

It does not look like she even has on panties, I am sure she has on a thong or something but with her you never know. EWWWW!

It's not apparent from these pictures but she was so out of it she's wearing one blue contact in one eye. So one is brown and one is blue.

This is a good argument against the idea that any publicity is good publicity.

This trainwreck is such an attention-seeking whore. She fully knows what she's doing. Some people think the media is too hard on"celebrities". Is this her way of promoting her new album? Apparently this #$@%*&^ idiot couldn't give a crap about getting custody of those babies.

OMG that is gross. You would think someone with money could afford nice looking wigs too!

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif What. The. Hell?
There are laws that dictate what is indecency. And that, my friends, is public indecency. She should be arrested and fined for that. No question.

LMAO! So true, so true!
Originally Posted by Manda /img/forum/go_quote.gif OMG that is gross. You would think someone with money could afford nice looking wigs too! My thoughts exactly.

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