I tried to do my own...I wrote about it on another board. Let me go find the thread and I will cut-and-paste it here!
Brazilian Bikini Wax at home
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 30, 2005
I did this the other night.
I bought a kit - equipped with everything from the wax, to spreaders, to "numbing oil" to "soothing oil" to stencils.
It worked great. I, however, have much less of a pain tolerance in that area than other girls on our board. After the first couple of rips my hand started shaking and I started feeling sick at my stomach. But I couldn't stop, because I had already done all this work, and by golly, I was going to finish.
Yeah, right.
That was until some of the wax dried almost instantly. While I was pulling up from the bottom, the stuff on top turned into something similar to peanut butter brittle. I was doing a section only about an inch long, so I wasn't overdoing it, but I spent almost an hour trying to get the stuff off with a flashlight, a mirror, a pair of tweezers, and the most tremendous pain ever to occur on that part of my body. (Yep, it was on my labia, wouldn't you know it?)
So 3/4 of my labia are waxed. The other part, no chance in h-e-double hockeysticks.
If I had gone to a professional, it would have been much better. It was horribly painful, but it would have been better if that wax hadn't dried like it did. That's my own fault, but the pain has blinded me from ever trying it again.
Here is a video I found on youtube! It is great!
YouTube - Bikini Wax