Black or blonde forums

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Dec 5, 2005
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i used to be blonde for 6 years then i dyed it red now black! i like the black but miss the blonde a little. so just wanted some opnions on wich one you guys think i look better or blonde...:kopfkratz:

first two blonde....... last too dark

Wow you are really pretty first off.

I usually tend to think girls look better with blonde hair (maybe because it is like my polar opposite lol)... but I think its a little overplayed nowadays. I am LOVING the dark hair on you, I think you pull it off really well. Especially in the second pic where I see a little blonde highlighting underneath showing out... it looks really good like that. So I guess that is the best of both worlds haha.


LOL I dont mean to hit on you no no !! Either you take aboslutely flawless pictures or you are just extra really pretty no matter what color your hair.

Altho blonde is like what I always like, the black looks really good on you too, esp that pic with the black that has blue in it too.

Basically you can do whatever you want woman. Youd proly still look good bald. Ha. Lol.

Im jealous! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You look pretty both ways, but I'm partial to the black hair. You wear it very well =).

thanks everyone:) i like the black too...i was thinking about going back blonde soon but i think i'm gonna keep the black. i just get split between the two cant decide what i want! i feel more mysterious and exotic. i acually like the way all my eyeshadows and lipglosses look more with the black hair too.

I like it darker but not the cool black, maybe a warmer black or the darkest chocolate brown. Either way, I def think you are more striking with dark hair!!

i like the black a lot you do wear it well. if you really want something different i would say go somewhere in between.. like a dark brown

I agree. I think a dark chocolate brown would look really good if you were looking for a change. Your hair looks great dark!

Black also the color with light eyes is just awesome. You look beautiful with the blond also but black just looks sultry and seductive

Hon, You wont ever get back to blonde without a few things,

ALOT of money


Loosing hair.

My story of black to blonde.

I was blondish and went black, I decided I wanted to go lighter, eventually blonde,

I first had my color in may, another in August and then another in October, You have to leave it a few months between lifting the black, Im now a light and dark brown, and I spent about 300 pound which is according to XE almost $600.(And Im still not finished) I lost alot of hair too! and had really nasty dry brittle dead hair which when wet felt like chewing gum and snapped, I couldnt even brush it! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Not a nice story!

My hair is still dead now but I've had alot cut out so its not too bad, but I still have to buy alot of products to help its condition. I now have shoulder length layered hair and I used to have waist length black hair.

So before you decide on going back blonde! Have a think! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Good luck on what you decide

I went from black to blonde pretty easily actually. My hair stayed really healthy and I've never had strong hair. (I actually have wavy thin hair that tends to be on the frizzy side when processed.)

I do my hair myself, I just highlighted my way to blonde again. As long as you find someone who knows what they are doing black is really not that hard to get out. It takes a while but it's not hard and it doesn't have to destroy your hair unless you rush it or botch it.

Mine took ages and I went to Toni and Guy (possibly why it cost so much)

I hate you for getting there easier that me :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Its just a pain in the butt to get out a dark color, I wont be going dark again but Im glad I went thru all that cus now im happy with the color i have, Though I wish I had long blonde hair! Never had that before :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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