Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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ohhh this looks fab! I already use one by MAD skincare, but I definitely don't mind trying new things since it is something I use regularly.

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

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This week, we're previewing one of March's samples (get excited!). ...


Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

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This week, we're previewing one of March's samples (get excited!). ...


I could have used this last week when I was mad hormonal and had a breakout! 

That looks awesome! I could totally use something like that right now. So far all of the sneak peeks/hints they are giving are great! I am getting so excited to get my boxes!

Originally Posted by murflegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They just posted this sneak peek on their blog!
Looks like something pretty cool! I'm always up for trying new things! 

I am so excited for this month's box, I am getting 2 and it may be 2 TV or 2 BB or one of each but frankly with all the hints, I will prob be happy however it ends up!

Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That looks awesome! I could totally use something like that right now. So far all of the sneak peeks/hints they are giving are great! I am getting so excited to get my boxes!

Quote: Originally Posted by murflegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They just posted this sneak peek on their blog!
Looks like something pretty cool! I'm always up for trying new things! 
I am getting 1 of each. I am excited for both but would be happy with 2 of either! I am trying not to get too excited about this month's boxes, because in the past I have done that and been let down, but the hints seem really promising! I have a good feeling about this month.


Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am so excited for this month's box, I am getting 2 and it may be 2 TV or 2 BB or one of each but frankly with all the hints, I will prob be happy however it ends up!

Oh man, I want that Alchimie Kantik Mask. I have a feeling I'll be scoping out the trade thread a good bit this month!

Looks like they've got a few of the same products that were in the Blissmo Winter Skin Defense box!

so I guess its true that they re-send samples, but I dont think you will get the same sample twice.. at least I hope not! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

But I am excited, those look like some great products!

I have a feeling that this is from last March. I just check my March 2011 BB card (yes I save them all, haha) and I received the Alchemie mask, the Marvis toothpaste, the Alpha Beta Glow pads, and the Pangea lip balm in that box. (the first row of products shown)

Originally Posted by Janamaste /img/forum/go_quote.gif

^It's live! (Although limited.) displays Juice Beauty and the shop link doesn't so that makes me think the shop link is from last year too.

The favorites video is up!!
I love that you just beat me to it. Hhehe I was busy watching it first. Yay!!! Pretty excited for march. I opted out for TV box. This should be interesting. Even though I did opt when I got the email. But since I had to resubscribe... when I asked if it was going to be TV. They said no but I can go through the link again. I decided to skip anyways in the end. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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