Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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Originally Posted by Jacinta /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Did you all see the blog on the Birchbox site that mentions a gorgeous Essie polish?  Essie is supposed to be in the Teen Vogue box if I am understanding correctly from the email.
Yup, and I personally am very excited about it!

Yeah honestly I like the luxeffects nail colors they are new so more than likely if we are getting a essie nail product in our tv box it will be one of these. 

oh my gosh. so i signed up for a contest that was to win a year of birchbox from k-cup. there was a ton of them going on in feb. this one ended on the 29th and someone from that blog domain just visited my blog. i wonder if it was the site owner taking a look at my blog! cause maybe I won!! haha im such a dork. crossing my fingers!

It would be awesome to win that!

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

oh my gosh. so i signed up for a contest that was to win a year of birchbox from k-cup. there was a ton of them going on in feb. this one ended on the 29th and someone from that blog domain just visited my blog. i wonder if it was the site owner taking a look at my blog! cause maybe I won!! haha im such a dork. crossing my fingers!

Has anyone seen any hints or spoiler alerts for the March Birchboxes?  I've seen the tweet with some awesome brands for the Teen Vogue box but I'm wondering about the regular March Birchbox.

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

oh my gosh. so i signed up for a contest that was to win a year of birchbox from k-cup. there was a ton of them going on in feb. this one ended on the 29th and someone from that blog domain just visited my blog. i wonder if it was the site owner taking a look at my blog! cause maybe I won!! haha im such a dork. crossing my fingers!

how do you see who visited your blog from what domain? just curious! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I really want the Essie polish but I've selected "Face Cream" as my beauty splurge, since I'm into skincare and PTR/Fresh would be awesome...and makeup wouldn't be too shabby as well.

Should I change my Beauty Profile? It's like a multiple choice test with two good answers - I don't know which is better!

Or is it too late for the Beauty Profile to matter for March boxes?

Funny till I found this forum by accident....I had no idea there were different boxes and  I never even knew you could peek!! I think you should do as you say and not peek's still fun for me..I get enough high end stuff to last more than a few months usually and  mix that in with serious home made skin care..My skin is amazing since  I started buying stuff like copper peptides and glycolic peels  and hyularonic?  acid and DMAE on  eBay  and make my own pastes and peels and I'm like  a mad skin scientist..Also  honey /coconut oil and tons of other natural fruits  oils (they are really cheap at the supermarket in the international section) yogurt and anything I  can get my hands on lol Even parsley and cilantro for the anti oxidants. Honestly my skin has totally changed in a few months..Coconut and castor oil(organic virgin and cold pressed only ) penetrate very  very I start there and add the other stuff..Honey is like a miracle for your skin..You really do not have to pay big bucks for great skin
You should start a new thread on what you do, I would love to do stuff like this!
I just decided to change one of my subscriptions to an annual subscription.  I said I would give it 3 months to see how I like it and if its something I want to continue with.  March is my 3rd month, and I really love Birchbox, so I might as well get the points. 

How many extra points do they offer?

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just decided to change one of my subscriptions to an annual subscription.  I said I would give it 3 months to see how I like it and if its something I want to continue with.  March is my 3rd month, and I really love Birchbox, so I might as well get the points. 

BB gives you 110 points when you upgrade to an annual membership. I am also considering doing this this month.

although i have fairly clear skin i still think this is an awesome sample!!!

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

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This week, we're previewing one of March's samples (get excited!). ...


Aww, man! I would LOVE this, now I'm kind of sad I chose the TV box. 

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You +1'd this publicly. Undo
This week, we're previewing one of March's samples (get excited!). ...


That would be great! But I did that contest too and if I remember correctly, people were notified right away once they won.  Unless it is a different contest they did.  I didnt know there were more then 1 contest for that win a year thing!

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

oh my gosh. so i signed up for a contest that was to win a year of birchbox from k-cup. there was a ton of them going on in feb. this one ended on the 29th and someone from that blog domain just visited my blog. i wonder if it was the site owner taking a look at my blog! cause maybe I won!! haha im such a dork. crossing my fingers!

Originally Posted by ciaobella9821 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That would be great! But I did that contest too and if I remember correctly, people were notified right away once they won.  Unless it is a different contest they did.  I didnt know there were more then 1 contest for that win a year thing!
yeah every K-cup Ambassador had contests running. I joined like 20 of them just by searching google. lol. 


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