Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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Yes! And it makes me want to travel more bc of all the travel-sized items I now own!

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it just me, or does having these subscription services make anyone else want to shop obsessively for beauty products?  I want the things that came in my Birchbox, and everyone elses too!

Originally Posted by WarPaint1739 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes! And it makes me want to travel more bc of all the travel-sized items I now own!

hahah same, or at least for me because I travel a lot already, it makes travel so much easier. 

I will have to check out this Sindulge you guys keep talking about..


Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I signed up for Julep and Sindulge as well. I think I will cancel both of them and just keep my 2 BB subs, maybe add a 3rd BB in their place. Julep isn't worth $19.99 in my opinion. You get 2-3 new polishes BUT they are only .25 oz, not .5 oz like Essie, Zoya, OPI, etc. Don't get me wrong, their polish is really nice, but for $20 I could go buy two bottles at Ulta, spend less money, and get double the polish.

Sindulge.. I will just have to see how they end up. They are pretty new so I haven't really heard much about them. They are $12 a month, so if they end up being better than BB I might keep that sub. So far I have had good experience with their customer service. I couldn't get throught to have my consultation so I emailed them and they contacted me right away to do it on the spot. I like that my box/bag will be customized and the rep. even said she will put a dark spot corrector in my samples for me (something I need but haven't been lucky enough to get in my BB)!


Originally Posted by Amber Barrera /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Right now I'm signed up for two Birchboxes (one regular, one TV), Julep, Beautyfix, & Sindulge. I signed up for the Julep & Sindulge because I got them for a penny each. Beautyfix I got for $19.99 but only after having to call customer service & having them honor the coupon code that is on their blog.

  • Birchbox I love so far. I wasn't thrilled with my Feb box but I do love a lot of products that other people get & they make me curious enough to buy them for myself. I bought the Walgreens beauty blender & am in love!, I really like the Juicy blemish clearing stuff & plan on ordering some as soon as  save up enough points. Also, I bought the eyebrow pencil, Jouer  lip gloss, & Zoya nail polish in Izzy. I LOVE all three. I wouldn't have known about any of these products if I didn't have birchbox & stalk these thread discussions daily. I'm going to cancel one of my TV box account after this month but only because I can't afford it right now. Hopefully I will be able to have 2 boxes a month sooner than later.
  • Julep is wonderful but I will probably suspend it every other month. I only paint my toe nails because I'm way to hard on my finger nails. So nail polishes end up lasting me a very long time. I don't need 2-3 new nail polishes a month. My collection is already pretty extensive & if I keep it up a lot will end up going bad before I'm able to use a decent amount & then I will just be wasting money.
  • I'm almost positive I will cancel or at least suspend Beautyfix. After finding out that they are only adding 10 new items I'm somewhat disappointed. All of the items I got were full size & since I only ordered them last month I have plenty left. Also, their customer service is less than satisfying.
  • Sindulge I have no clue about. I will just have to wait & see how it all goes.

I'm super excited about getting nail polish in my TV box & would love to get some in my regular BB too. Neon is an awesome color on toes during the summer & you can pull it off at pretty much any age. You can hide them when it's appropriate & flaunt it while wearing sandals when you want. Win-win to me!

There is a coupon code for it right now, you can get the first month for 1 penny! I think it was JKFF. I know someone else posted it either on this board or the Birchbox + Teen Vogue board.

Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I will have to check out this Sindulge you guys keep talking about..


I follow them on Instagram and they just posted a picture of TONS of OCC Shadows, that would be AWESOME to get one of those pigments! (The colors range from neutral to neon-ish colors)

Im 51 and I would wear neon polish, especially in the warmer months. Right now I'm wearing Deborah Lipmann's I Know What Boys Like - a bright periwinkle shade. I'm not afraid to go bold.

I did too and got really excited but then it said something about being in the OCC store. It could have a hidden agenda but I think they're just posting cause they're at the store and its pretty ):

Originally Posted by xlinds15x /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I follow them on Instagram and they just posted a picture of TONS of OCC Shadows, that would be AWESOME to get one of those pigments! (The colors range from neutral to neon-ish colors)

just tried the JKFF code for Sindulge and its not working :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> oh well, maybe next month I will try that one, I just signed up for beautyarmy.

Originally Posted by JaSmine Rose /img/forum/go_quote.gif

just tried the JKFF code for Sindulge and its not working :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> oh well, maybe next month I will try that one, I just signed up for beautyarmy.

Mysteriously it quit working after several of us got cancellation notices for our upcoming consultations which are required for your box to ship. I don't trust sindulge AT ALL.

You can always go to the Birchbox Open Trade. Ive done about 7 successful ones already. Ive gotten most of the things I wanted and so did others! You should try. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> You 

end up trying the things you actually want. I went out and bought full-sizes for most of them after I was done. Which is the purpose of Birchbox anyways! Yay!

Originally Posted by TXSlainte /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm about 92% certain that after 17 months(!) this will be my final Birchbox. I selected the Teen Vogue box, although I have no valid reason for doing so. I've decided that I will not peek at these boards, I will not stalk the Birchbox page, and I will not obsessively track my package once it's sent. This month's box will be a complete and total surprise.

I think, for me, a big part of my dissatisfaction is seeing all this great stuff that others get. I anticipate getting a certain product, and am disappointed when I don't get it.  I'm hoping that no anticipation = no disappointment. I'm not going to peek before, and I'm not going to check out what others get after. That way there will be no wishing for products I didn't get.

I figure that if I do this and still don't like my box, it's time to quit. I'm secretely hoping, though, that this will bring back the thrill I used to get when my Birchbox arrived.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Mysteriously it quit working after several of us got cancellation notices for our upcoming consultations which are required for your box to ship. I don't trust sindulge AT ALL.
I don't know a whole lot about Sindulge.  Most of what I know is from this thread.  So you have to have a live, over-the-phone, consultation and then they customize your box?  If that is the case that seems like alot of work on their end and alot of trouble on the customer's end.

These types of things make so SO wary of joining new companies. Def. keeping a sharp eye out for suspicious activity.


Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Mysteriously it quit working after several of us got cancellation notices for our upcoming consultations which are required for your box to ship. I don't trust sindulge AT ALL.

Originally Posted by GinaM /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't know a whole lot about Sindulge.  Most of what I know is from this thread.  So you have to have a live, over-the-phone, consultation and then they customize your box?  If that is the case that seems like alot of work on their end and alot of trouble on the customer's end.

Its online-over IM or video chat. And they make you do it every month, apparently. Definitely go read the thread to get a better feel for them, I don't want to hog the birchbox thread talking about it. 

I opted for the TV box but now I am wishing I had kept it plus opened another account to get the TV.. Anyone else feeling is way? 

I am glad that I got the TV box on my new account because it seems like the new accounts get left overs from months passed. I would be upset if I got a box of stuff I already got that were left over and missed out on a box from my normal account just to get the TV on.

Originally Posted by bluemustang /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I opted for the TV box but now I am wishing I had kept it plus opened another account to get the TV.. Anyone else feeling is way? 

 I think I should have opted for the regular box instead of the TV after seeing glitter nail polish could be a possibility.  My seven year old will love it!!!  Just scares me a little about what else may be in there.  Oh well, that is what the swap thread is for!

I don't really like ANY nail polish - I paint my nails maybe twice a year, lol.  But yeah, I won't mind getting it, because of the swap thread!

I felt exactly the same way! I got the TV box on my new acct as well.

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am glad that I got the TV box on my new account because it seems like the new accounts get left overs from months passed. I would be upset if I got a box of stuff I already got that were left over and missed out on a box from my normal account just to get the TV on.


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