Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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So I'm getting my first box this month and I just got a confirmation email the other day. I checked it this morning and it went from NY to MA and I'm in NC. lol Is the shipping always so...odd?

Does anyone know if you can use a birchbox promo code (such as the 25% off for your 3 month "anniversary") with your birchbox points?  Or is it one or the other?  On the email with the code it says you cannot combine with other offers but I am not sure if BB points are other offers! Thanks!

Originally Posted by lovepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Does anyone know if you can use a birchbox promo code (such as the 25% off for your 3 month "anniversary") with your birchbox points?  Or is it one or the other?  On the email with the code it says you cannot combine with other offers but I am not sure if BB points are other offers! Thanks!

You can combine them, bb points work like a giftcard.

Yes, it is one of the things I like most about it, they do get me hooked on some good stuff! I put the Gold As It Gets over the Alicia I got from the Julep promo and it looks really cute! AnnieXO gave me the idea with the pink combo she used, so thanks!
I went to Ulta today and bought the lip stain since mine was broken (still waiting to here back on that btw...I hope they at least give me some points or something) and I really like that as well! I was a little mad because if you spend $25 you got a free gift and the stain is $24...of course tarte doesn't have anything that's $1! lol I maybe would have splurged and spent $5-10 to get the freebie but I didn't see anything.

Originally Posted by sweetiegirlll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

AnnieXO - that sounds pretty!  I'll have to try it.  Thanks for sharing, I love it when people suggest great combos.

Ladybritt - Isn't it cool how Birchbox gets us all excited about a brand and so we end up going out and buying extra of it because we love it so much?  I guess it proves that brands being included in Birchboxes works as far as advertising.  That's great because it makes it a great appeal to all sorts of different brands to want to get their products in the boxes which equals better choices for us!  I don't understand exactly the business plan used, but I haven't researched it much yet.  It seems fascinating to me.  Katia and some of the other heads of Birchbox have impressive resumes and bring a lot to the table.  They are consistently interesting and different and I've found so many different products that I wouldn't have had a chance to use otherwise.  Yay Birchbox!  This month was a winner for a lot of people, many are saying it's the best box they've received.  

Originally Posted by daisy351 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You can also get free samples from Mario Badescu by filling out an online form:

I think I got like 6 samples: a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye cream, mask, and drying cream, personalized for my skin type.
Thanks for posting this! I did the M.A.D. samples and never got a reply, I asked about it on their FB page and they did e mail me saying they would check if I was on the list then get back to me but they never did. *shrug* not going to worry about and bug them for samples. Unless someone posts that they are really good! lol I did get the reply from Mario Badescu this morning. I'm interested in the strawberry scrub or something along those lines, can't remember exactly. It was one of my samples so I am excited to try it.

I think it depends on the area. Our walmart does carry Essie polishes. They have a huge display of them and get in the seasonal sets. The problem is they sell out REALLY fast. 

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have not seen Essie at Walmart but I have at Target, RiteAid and Walgreens.

I'm still waiting on my March BB to show up that's the regular one. It's pretty sad that I can tell because I've ordered stuff online and have the "last stop" before it gets here memorized like I do. But it should arrive tomorrow.

BB often teams up with them..they sometimes include bauble bar items in there box and bauble will give a BB discount and so on....  i heard about it on here.. i bought something on friday and something today..  i need therapy!


Originally Posted by Caryatid /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What's a bauble??

yup!!  its a good thing i am spring diet, i am spending my food $ on stuff...................

Originally Posted by ladybritt /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was wondering that, too, but afraid to ask...something else for me to spend money on! lol

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You can combine them, bb points work like a giftcard.
Thank you!  I'm new to Birchbox and this whole thread/forum thing!  Everyone has been super helpful!

It's the special weekly deal from They price one piece of jewelry $10 every Friday (and sometimes other days like this Sunday). They don't tell you what is is, so you have to go find it according to the clues they send you from the email. Normally it's the cheaper pieces of jewelry on the site, but they have some cute things occasionally.

No more Buried Baubles here. I'm going to create a new post on it in the Fashion Talk area.

Did everyone get the same 3 tea samples?  I noticed they also have a coconut tea on their website and I was wondering if anyone had tried it?  Sounds like a good summer tea :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My daughter's "oops" box (the one she wasn't suppose to get did contain tea but she doesn't drink tea to begin with and I dislike coconut (I still have the ones from Eco-Emi). lol


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