Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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cool!  i want some calyx!


Originally Posted by AngeBrooklyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey there, got an email from today--If you like them on Facebook, you can get 25% off from 3/15-3/19.  And free shipping

Originally Posted by BFaire06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am a little bit too...I kind of want to order myself a Tarte but I am not sure what color to get!
Yep same here.  I know it's not one of the choices that they sell but I bought at Sephora the shade Fever and absolutely love it!

FINALLY got my box today! It was supposed to have been delivered yesterday, but the postman wrote on the box that 2 dogs were loose in the neighborhood...? Anywho, it is TV Box 3! I really like the way the Petite Cherie smells. I also got the Essie in "Set in Stone" (silver), a cobalt blue Twistband, TWO(!) samples of the Peter Thomas Roth anti-shine gel, and the Tarte in Amused with no cap issues! After all the waiting, this box was completely worth it. Hooray, Birchbox!!

I think I saw one of these posts saying that Sephora sells a 3 pack of the Tarte Lipsurgance... I also saw them at the Dermstore when I was placing an order yesterday but they were for the same price of 24.00 I think they have different colors depending on where you buy them. I got one in Lucky that broke but I was able to kind of put it back together and its a really nice color. I also got one in Peaceful which is a nude/peach color and glossy :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I like both colors, very pretty 

Just wondering but did anyone receive their Bauble Bar hidden treasure from last Friday? I received mine but I thought we were suppose to get an extra item, since it was in collaboration with Birchbox. 

I recieved my TV box today.  I got box #2, but i got a As Gold As It Gets Essie polish, the Tart in Amused (love it!) and instead of the perfume sample they show with my box, I recieved Annick Goutal Eua d'Hadrian, which I also got in my regular box.  No complaints, I love what I got. 

I got my regular Birchbox last week, and my TV today, and my sister got her regular box today too.

Email them. They forgot to put a 15 percent off any $25 or more purchase on 

Originally Posted by JennyDBV /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just wondering but did anyone receive their Bauble Bar hidden treasure from last Friday? I received mine but I thought we were suppose to get an extra item, since it was in collaboration with Birchbox. 

Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I ordered from the BB website 2 days go and its out for delivery today. They shipped it through USPS.

So I think UPS Mail Innovations is causing all the problems with the Birchboxes, not USPS. Mine took 5 days to go from NJ to my state, once it got to my state it was a day or 2 to get to my city and to my doorstep. USPS takes over once it gets to the state, prior to that its in the hands of UPS MI.  

I know most of you hated Streamlite ( I didn't), but it seems like this new shipping service is having lots of problems. And we here are just a microcosm of the total subscribers. So if so many of you are having delivery problems, imagine how many total subscribers are also getting very late deliveries.  If all boxes are mailed by the 10th, then everyone should have their boxes by the 15th or 16th, even to the left coast.

I got a 3 month discount. the others, no. Sads.

Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They should. I got a 6 month coupon on my first account for 20% off.... I would email them maybe. My 2nd account is at 6 month next month, so I guess I will find out if they are still doing it!  Has anyone else who recently reached 6 months gotten a coupn code?? I got one on my first account at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year, and my 2nd account at 3 months. Anyone else?

Quote: Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

march was my 6th box..  will they send me a coupon?

Still waiting on my box as well, it was supposed to be here today. I'm getting box 23 and I plan on giving those horrid eyeliners to my best friend. The TV boxes look amazing! So jealous! I hope everyone else is happy with their boxes. my box today.
 I got box 10, only worth $10 IF  you like the polish, which I don't. Everything else is sample size; I get for free at a beauty counter... I really get irrate with companies who make promises they have no intention in keeping its been months now; its like giving a sample from GR. (Birchbox for $10 per month and get 4-5 deluxe samples delivered to your door every month) Pretty easy to interpret....and I  am looking to cut Birchbox; one more and a easy decision. 

those were really good sized samples... has anyone tried the Miss Jessies conditioner? Its the only Miss Jessies product that's not for curly hair. what did you all think? 

Originally Posted by JadedBeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Here is my regular birchbox for the month of March!

TV box is AWESOME!!   i broke down today and bought essie pink glitter polish..  i just couldnt wait.......................


Originally Posted by Souly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Here are both my boxes. I like the TV box better

just ordered juicy blemish face wash (thanks to using so many different face creams--im breaking out! hahahaa) and tea forte-cherry marzipan..   i had 300 points to use and since the wash was $22, i added the $6 tea.. 

points are awesome!~

Originally Posted by libbs07 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

FINALLY got my box today! It was supposed to have been delivered yesterday, but the postman wrote on the box that 2 dogs were loose in the neighborhood...? Anywho, it is TV Box 3! I really like the way the Petite Cherie smells. I also got the Essie in "Set in Stone" (silver), a cobalt blue Twistband, TWO(!) samples of the Peter Thomas Roth anti-shine gel, and the Tarte in Amused with no cap issues! After all the waiting, this box was completely worth it. Hooray, Birchbox!!

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Me too!  Do they email the discount code?

No, there should be a card in your 6th box with a promo code. At least that's how I got my 3 month discount code.


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