Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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What is up with the shipping this month? Did Birchbox change something? If so, I hope they revert back to the old way. 

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have an unopened TV box! They sent me 2 TV boxes and wouldnt swap for the correct. I can return for a refund, but what's the fun in that! So once you see what box # you get, maybe we can trade :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wow, really? That would be so awesome of you!!! I will wait and see what number I get and let you know if I decide in the end to keep it. (though its doubtful I will). 

I think it has to do with the fact that this month their was a nail polish. Rules are different since it has to be transported by ground only. Last month all the boxes could be shipped airmail which greatly increased the speed.

It's the first month with the ORM-D items and UPSMi so Im assuming the next time they will have fixed any kinks. 

Originally Posted by BeautyPhoenix /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow, really? That would be so awesome of you!!! I will wait and see what number I get and let you know if I decide in the end to keep it. (though its doubtful I will). 

Not a problem. I've let a few people know who wanted a TV box. So just let me know as soon as you decided so that I can hold it for you :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And I can look to see which number box it is once the march website updates.

Originally Posted by lilyelement /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm slightly confused about UPS MI. Don't they normally take your package to a post office in your state and then let USPS handle things?? My BB is showing "NEW JERSEY, NJ" as where UPS released it to USPS. I'm in TX...

Oh and then it goes north to Massachusetts :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm confused
UPS MI works like this. UPS picks up the packages from the warehouse and then ships it, typically via ground, to the the person's nearest UPS hub which then transfers the package to the person's nearest USPS hub. From there it's in the US postal office hands where it then goes by US post office to the person's address.

Originally Posted by LoveJesslina /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What is up with the shipping this month? Did Birchbox change something? If so, I hope they revert back to the old way. 
They dropped Streamlite in February in favor of UPS Mail Innovations (MI). Most companies are now using UPS MI to ship.

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

well enjoy your stuff!!  you will be the youngest looking girl at the prom and with NEON nails! i think all the boxes have the color club in them..  i think..

I cant wear neon polish cause of my job, and I will have work during the day and the next day soooo yeah o.o and I look old for my age. I mean I know I'm picky but really I just don't want one random face product because I have so many of my own that work find for me i don't need any more. I am till just so disappointed in my Birch Box from last month that i am probably still carrying it into the next month. 

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Not a problem. I've let a few people know who wanted a TV box. So just let me know as soon as you decided so that I can hold it for you :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And I can look to see which number box it is once the march website updates.
most definitely. I am hoping they update at 11EST like they did last month tonight. 

My box is only .5010...anyone else have a box this light? I got my first box last month, but I also got the Vichy box. I think this might be the lightest box this month :[

Anybody who wanted TV box stuff, keep me in mind since I am getting 2 and they are practically the same size, only .003 difference in weight. So I am assuming that they are the same box. If I get any duplicates, I would really like to trade for any of the neon polishes that went out in the regular boxes. I also have some MyGlam stuff that I would not mind parting with, like the NYX roller, X out shine control, and the NuMe gift card.

My Birchbox is only .4980! That's pretty close to your box's weight, so maybe we have the same box. I'm also not getting a TV box, even though I opted for one. I really wanted the Essie, Tarte and/or Kerastase, but oh well. I hope this month's box is still good, because my February box was pretty lame -- my March box is actually quite a bit heavier than my February box was!

Also, I've been reading this forum for a while now, but I've only just registered, so hello, everyone!

Originally Posted by mdiest12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My box is only .5010...anyone else have a box this light? I got my first box last month, but I also got the Vichy box. I think this might be the lightest box this month :[

Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am also in TX. Mine was shipped on the 5th , projected for delivery yesterday (the 9th) and I did not receive it yesterday or today... so basically it took the box 5 days to get to the state (it got to Dallas today) ... so I am hoping I get it Monday?? who knows 

Hope you get yours Monday! And I hope mine hurries up so I can see what is in my box. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Both my boxes shipped today.  The shipping notification for my 1st box hasnt been updated at all.  My 2nd box is already in Springfield, MA.  It went from NJ to MA in just a few hours.  Anyway, It will be at my PO Box on Monday, but because of my crazy work schedule I cant pick it up until Tuesday or Wednesday.  As long as I can see what I'm getting on the Birchbox website, I dont mind waiting a couple of days.  Its the not knowing what is in that box thats killing me!

I wish I could see my box on the site already! Argh. I am glad I chose the Teen Vogue box so I will get an Essie LuxeEffects! I already have the pink glitter one; hopefully I get another or I will try to swap if I get the same one. I would be so happy if I also get the Tarte lipsurgence. I have received both the twistaband and Twirl perfume before but all the Vogue boxes contain one or the other so I guess that will be a repeat for me.
  Also I am so ready to cancel MyGlam after seeing posts about the March bag. I don't want a bunch of sachets! -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
UGH. I'm so upset! I got the last month's extras box when I opted in for the TV box, and was comfirmed twice that I was getting a teen vogue box. ): 


I got box 23. =( 

 I was really really hoping for one of the colorclub nail polishes! Box 23 is pretty much the 1 box I completely did not want. lol  But it's totally because the other ones have the Stila eyeshadow sample card, and the cool nail polish. 

I'll give everything an honest try though! At least it all looks like stuff I will actually enjoy trying out. I suck at applying eyeliner, so it'll be cool to try out those. 
I also have no room to complain, because I'm getting a Teen Vogue box #4 with my second account, and it's exactly what I was hoping to get. 

My teen vogue box has the sample of Twirl, the Keratese, the Essie nail polish, the hair tie, and the Tarte liptint. I really really wanted all of those products, so I'm stoked for that box! 
You both are lucky. Box 4 is the one I wanted but I got box 2. Oh, well. I'm still getting the Tarte, so I'm okay with it. :)

I'm getting box four :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

However, I'm not too disappointed with my main box, which is box seven, although I wish it had been a neon nail polish instead of a "classic" color
