Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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Originally Posted by meeshling /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My box weighed 0.5330.  I put a post up with photos but bc I'm new I think it needs to be approved or something.  Hopefully it'll show up soon.

OooOOoooh, one of mine weighs 0.5410 and the other 0.5440 (yes I got two TV boxes, lol). I'm hopeful! It would be AMAAAAZE if I got different colors in each box! 
 I would say that it more than makes up for my horrible "intro" box last month, but my Vichy bonus box, all the BB points, and my 20% welcome code already did that. 

My TV box is supposed to arrive tomorrow but my tracking info hasn't updated since 3/6 where the shipping info was received in Springfield, MA.   Hhhhhmmmm...but honestly if it's anything like Meeshling's box it will be well worth the wait!!! of the best BB's I have seen.

I am very fair.  Pictures are in my "gallery" if you click over to my profile, too!

Originally Posted by shannonashleys /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love your box! What is your skin tone, if you don't mind me asking? I want to know what colors they are pairing with certain skin tones (if they are doing it that way). Thanks!

Mine was actually supposed to arrive tomorrow, too, and when I checked the tracking this morning, nothing had been updated, so it was a very pleasant surprise to get today!  This is def. my fav BB so far (this is my fourth month).

Originally Posted by GinaM /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My TV box is supposed to arrive tomorrow but my tracking info hasn't updated since 3/6 where the shipping info was received in Springfield, MA.   Hhhhhmmmm...but honestly if it's anything like Meeshling's box it will be well worth the wait!!! of the best BB's I have seen.

Woohoo, my teen vogue box is in my state and it will be here tomorrow! Then my regular box arrives on Saturday! SO EXCITING.

I will get one of mine tomorrow too and its very similar weight to Meeshling's box, so I bet I will get that one! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :)

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Woohoo, my teen vogue box is in my state and it will be here tomorrow! Then my regular box arrives on Saturday! SO EXCITING.

I got mine, should receive box tomorrow. (Though with any luck, I'll get it today... I normally get it 1 to 2 days before the suggested shipping date). It it went from NY to Mass. though. No idea why it did that!

Originally Posted by AngeBrooklyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I haven't gotten my shipping notice yet.  Anyone in NY already get theirs?  

Im in the San Fran Bay Area and my Teen Vogue box shows out for delivery.  Anytime now!

Originally Posted by mishtastic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got mine, should receive box tomorrow. (Though with any luck, I'll get it today... I normally get it 1 to 2 days before the suggested shipping date). It it went from NY to Mass. though. No idea why it did that!

Thanks, I'll email them.  This month's boxes seem like they will be great.  Fingers crossed!

Originally Posted by goldphishe /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I received my non TV box today. I was kind of disappointed...

What'd ya get? (Don't forget to use the spoiler thingie)

Traditions by Nick Chavez - Yucca Root Shampooing Cream (2 oz)

Boscia - Grean Tea Blotting Linens (25 sheets)

Grandma Stelle's - Refreshing Hand Soap (2 oz)

Color Club Nail Polish - Lava Lamp (neon pinkish orange, 2 oz)

Stilla - Smoky Eye Card (card with 3 shadows)

Lifestyle Extra - Kusmi Tea - Detox (mate, green tea & lemon grass, 2 tea bags)

Here it is!

Originally Posted by goldphishe /img/forum/go_quote.gif

my post is being held for moderation. i think because i used the spoiler function?

so here's the image i posted:

hopefully the post with all of the copy i wrote will show up soon.

Weird, posts aren't usually held for consideration b/c of spoilers I don't think. This link isn't working! I'm so eager to see what you got in your box!

EDIT: See above, all is posted and I can see the image :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
