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Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

No way! I had it applied and was checking out and it reset and now no longer works
Same thing happened to me and I am PISSED.

Oh well. 

YOu have to be kidding me. I WORKED for FIVE DAMN MINUTES.
Lol I'm sure it was less than that. I saw the code pop up and was done in a minute and it just as I hit confirm it changed to 50 so I hit cancel super fast and was able to get it to not go through. Then it just said invalid
Quote: Originally Posted by ShannonHey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Actually, even with the code my order was still $40 before points because I bought the English Laundry Notting Hill gift set... so my pick 2 STILL should have been free...

On a side note, now let the browsing for free GWP's begin haha

Thats what happened to me on Monday, I took it out of my cart because I didn't want to pay for it but if you call them they'll take it off for you

Quote: Originally Posted by QueerAsFcuk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Am I the only one still hopelessly trying the code? ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
No, I am too :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :'( so sad.. I just stepped away to get some food and came back and it was gone :'(

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ha! Nope ;-) I've tried it a few more times just in case they let a few more through.

UGH! I was on the subway and my phone DIED as soon as I saw the code. I ran home but it was too late :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

always tomorrow I guess. 

I looked up from typing (I work from home on Fridays, but still need to get my work done...) and saw a ridiculous number of updates from this thread in my email and knew I missed it.

 I really want the WEI Mud Mask.. here's to tomorrow!

Someone said Monday's code was early morning and yesterdays was mid morning.
Today was lunch time.. guessing tomorrow's might be 2ish? 

Just a tip for everyone, the first day the code appeared in the women's section, yesterday it appeared in the men's section, today it apperaed in the men/women section, so I think tomorrow it will appear in one of the gift sets sections.

If I were to guess I'd say tomorrow's code would be evening or late night, ya know when everyone is drunk, bored and tired of being with your families or otherwise wanting to go the 8pm store openings just to get out of the darn house.  
