Birchbox Promo Codes forums

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Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got all excited just now thinking you just found it

Sorry to get your hopes up!  I vote the next person who finds it put it up here in size 72 font so its super obvious. 

I've scoured every page of the Holiday shop this morning, and so far all I'm finding is a purple box offering 35 extra points :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But, maybe the box color today will be purple for the 50DOLLARSFORME??? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

This is KILLING ME. I cannot log into BB using wireless, only on my phone if I use the network.

Anyone know how to fix computer things?

Alright, it's time for me to finally join for updates...I keep seeing all these codes too late! Darn you work! I wish I could just sit here all day looking at BB!

omg I want a $50 code so bad! Last night I dreamed about finding one

I want a $50 code!! I'm about to be sitting in the airport for a while.. So maybe while I'm sitting something will happen!

AHHH Now I can't log in even on my phone!! Was I banned for getting two scarfs?

What is going onnnnnnnnnnnn. I e-mailed them... hopefully they can fix my issues....

Quote: Originally Posted by camel11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  AHHH Now I can't log in even on my phone!! Was I banned for getting two scarfs?

What is going onnnnnnnnnnnn. I e-mailed them... hopefully they can fix my issues....
Did you forget your password somehow?  I sometimes get locked out of accounts because I typed the wrong thing.  Maybe try resetting it?

I haven't had any issues logging in today.

This is KILLING ME. I cannot log into BB using wireless, only on my phone if I use the network. Anyone know how to fix computer things?
Clear cookies? Close & reopen browser? Restart computer? I've had these work for me before, but I would be scared I would miss a deal!
Quote: Originally Posted by camel11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  AHHH Now I can't log in even on my phone!! Was I banned for getting two scarfs?

What is going onnnnnnnnnnnn. I e-mailed them... hopefully they can fix my issues....
I was having this issue on my computer. When I emailed them, they didn't do anything but someone on MUT told me to add something to my cart and then checkout. I was then able to log in to my account and take that item out of my cart. It seems to have fixed itself now.

We just need a few good souls to stay up and keep watch. Who here has absolutely nothing to do all day and is willing to make the Maketalk sacrifice? 

Quote: Originally Posted by LizGeary /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  We just need a few good souls to stay up and keep watch. Who here has absolutely nothing to do all day and is willing to make the Maketalk sacrifice? 
I have nothing to do today (vacation days are expiring -- use it or lose it!!) but I feel greedy since I was already able to use the code... *cough*twice*cough*

I'm just doing housework all day and refreshing the Holiday Shop every ~10 minutes, LOL. Obsess much... 

Of course I would alert the lovely MUT ladies ASAP, because that's how I was able to use the code on Monday!

Can boys(ish) play too?!

I am new to this and not sure of the forum "etiquette" so I am going to just introduce myself.
My name is Gavin, early 20's, Orlando, Florida.

My best friend turned me onto Birchbox and I just subscribed to both a Women's Box and a Men's Box (I have to be somewhat butch, right?) for a year!

Anyways, enough of me..

I found this forum while looking for Promo Codes (I'm a cheap b*tch!).
You all seem cool and I am also waiting patiently for this $50 code.

Nice to meet you all.

*sprinkles glitter*
