I was in the holiday shop on my laptop, I had clicked through all the girls and all the guys sets, then I had started on the third set (the food lover, the techie, men's gift sets, women's gift sets) and it was either men's or women's and it was right there in the second row! It was a blue box this time that said $50 off, so I clicked it and it had the promo code. So I rushed to my cart, popped it in and clicked through til I got an order confirmation. (All the while yelling with excitement, saying please please please work!) I called my mom and told her, then started to log onto here and she called me back to say it didn't work.
I was hoping it was just her =( I guess it is just random luck to be looking when they put one up. But now that I got mine - I won't be searching for another so that others can get to enjoy the discount too!