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Any code available for a new subscriber? Either a discount or points...? I found a couple online but they all expired or didn't work.

Thanks  B)

I'm hoping that maybe we'll get a January spoiler this week since they have been posting the first spoiler on the 17th of the month that past 2 months. Then maybe we will learn who Birchbox is collaborating with in January. Then we can do some digging to see if there is a new 100 point being offered through that collaboration! Here's hoping!

Oh man, Birchbox really wants me to buy something. I've got TWO code emails this morning, and like at least one a day the last week. Let me do a quick roundup in case any of you will find these helpful:

TENBACK - 70 points with $30+ purchase (selling point: you will have $10 in points to spend their store after the $30+ purchase)

TAKEOFF20 - 20% on $35+ order -- I feel like I used this one before, so if you're looking for a loose 20% code, it might work for you again

PRESENT20 - 20% off on these: no expedited shipping attached, I think

GEMEARRINGS - with $75 purchase

Most of these aren't new, but I thought it might be helpful to consolidate a few

Does anyone know if TENBACK still applies if you pay in points? I mean, if I pay in points, will I still get 70 points added to my account?

I think that they're cutting back on the cancelling and resubbing.  I canceled and resubbed my birchbox man due to all of the drama for the november box, received my cancellation notice, blah blah blah, then I get a notice saying they had trouble billing me.  I'm like nope, I'm not sending you money if I just paid you.  Mind you, this is the second month in a row this is happening to me.  I paid for my January box using a 100 code last week, and yesterday they were trying to bill me again for that month.

Basically, if you "prepay" for a future month, they might bill you again on the original date (the 1st or 15th). I use a prepaid card so they won't take out any extra money from me.

Got an email with a code for 20% off a yearly sub: BESTYEAR, good till 8 pm central time today

I gifted my Mom to my mom, picked the Classic (I'm irritated that it's the only one of the 3 options that comes in the plain brown box, as the Trendy and Customer Favorites apparently both come in the pretty blue one...), and I peeked at the contents already - not bad of an assortment.

1) Suki Exfoliate cleanser

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]2) Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Moisturizer[/SIZE]

3) theBalm Stainiac 

4) Gilchrist & Soames Spa Therapy body wash

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]5) Harvey Prince "Ageless" perfume sample[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]For her - not terrible, just not the best box for her. She's 65 and has a skincare routine, out of all the product possibilities I wish it wasn't so skincare heavy. Of course, BB is known for being "skincare heavy" anyway so I was expecting that I suppose. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Suki is good, but I don't like Juice Beauty products (I find the juice thing to be kind of a gimmick). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]G&S body wash... eh. It's okay, but I admit I'm a bit prejudiced against the brand because I think of it as a boring hotel brand, lol. The perfume sample is decent, I think she might really enjoy the scent. Finally, the Stainiac is a good sample because I know she hasn't tried anything like it before. I can teach her how to use it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]So, a perfectly decent assortment... I just wish it came in the pretty blue box.[/SIZE]

Does anyone know what the LOBOSWORTH code does? It accepts the code but I don't want to checkout if it's not a points code haha

Does anyone know what the LOBOSWORTH code does? It accepts the code but I don't want to checkout if it's not a points code haha
While I can't be certain, I don't *think* it's a points code.  I found this (remove the spaces from the URL -- I had to put them in to keep it from embedding the video):

https:// www. /watch?v= qwJJVDglMxA

If you go down to the description under the video, it says you can get the Lo Bosworth box by signing up for a sub and using that code.  So I think it may just be a way to choose a particular box as your first one.

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HOLIDAYGIFT gives you a Holiday Mystery Sample Pack - must spend the usual $35 Free shipping on all orders today.
I saw that.  Wondered if it was the same as the usual mystery packs?  I have 400 points burning a hole in my pocket on my second (non-ace) account and am thinking of combining them with a 20% code to get something, just to get a little shopping fix without spending a lot out of pocket.  Free shipping is a pretty good incentive.

I saw that.  Wondered if it was the same as the usual mystery packs?  I have 400 points burning a hole in my pocket on my second (non-ace) account and am thinking of combining them with a 20% code to get something, just to get a little shopping fix without spending a lot out of pocket.  Free shipping is a pretty good incentive.
in my email it said the holiday mystery pack had 2 deluxe samples
