Originally Posted by
loveforeva21 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OMG did that sell out of the JBGLOSS?
I was dying to get the gloss in Fig.
I placed an order yesterday to make the minimum and also get the $35+ gift.
They just sent me an order confirmation with the shipping info without the gloss on the invoice.
But when I checked out and on my past orders page on BB I see that I applied that code when I checked out.
Should the gloss be listed on the invoice?
Anyone else have a problem with using codes and it not reflecting on the invoice?
Last time I ordered via BB and they overlooked an item and gave me the $10 credit, and I honestly only placed an order using my accumulated points in order to get the lip gloss.
Eeek.. I hope they come through with the lip gloss

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