Ugh. BOTH of my boxes got the stupid blowout spray, and that is the ONE thing both profiles have in common: they both state I almost always let it air dry because I do not use heat on my hair, and was the one thing from the reveal I DID NOT WANT.
So unhappy with BOTH boxes, despite having nearly polar opposite profiles, the contents of both boxes nearly identical. The only difference is one got the highlighter, and the other got a tinted moisturizer. (Okay the lippies are slightly different, but both are lip products I don't use. )
I am certainly cancelling the second sub, as this was an experiment to tweak my profile, and this month proved it to be a useless tool as to what goes in your boxes..both subs are practically brand new, so there is scant little in the way of repeats to restrict me, yet despite opposite choices, the boxes are nearly identical to each other and equally poorly curated for my profiles. Kind of amazing that they could miss so hard on opposite profiles with the same products, TBH...including two makeup items (highlighter and lip gloss) on my 'no makeup' sub.