Originally Posted by
usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So when I first got my birchbox I had everything set to the true me (21, little money) and I was pretty happy with my boxes -- except I got a perfume sample every month! I think in January I bumped myself up an income levels just to see what would happen. Definitely not as happy now as I was then! I'm considering bumping myself back down to the lowest income level to see if I'll be happier with my boxes..
But I just got hired for a job where I'll actually be a few levels above lowest one! (I posted earlier about an interview, thanks so much for the well wishes guys! Please don't see this as me complaining about having too much money lol
) Ultimate awful first world problem that makes me feel really guilty for even posting it: do i put my now "true" income or my little-broke-college student income?
For reference, I got box 1 this month.
Or, really, are these whole profiles things just a crapshoot?