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Oct 22, 2003
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Huntington Beach, CA
Ooook, time to VENT! I am happy we have a place here on MuT to VENT!

Anyhow, I just watched the video of the contractor Nick Berg being beheaded in Iraq. WTF? Yeah WTF!!!. I'm not sure, but I think this guy was helping the

people of IRAQ, but I do know he was not even fighting the War on Terror! This movie looked like something out of a Jason horror movie! The killers are MASKED COWARDS and don't even show thier faces on this video. Our prayers are with Nick Berg's family. I have a hard time dealing with the number of soldiers being killed, but when I see things like this, it recharges my conviction for military support.

I would LOVE to hear from people who think we should NOT be fighting the WAR on TERROR after hearing about this barbaric act.


Hey Tony!

I completly agree with you & our opinions are backed up everyday by they way these bastards treat people. Don't try to understand why they do the things they do, they're animals, we don't think they same way. They have no respext for human life & they are too buried in hatred to realize that we want to help them. However, I'm starting to think F them! Get our guy/gals out of there and leave them to their own devices. They don't want our help for whatever reason so screw them!! Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Ooook, time to VENT! I am happy we have a place here on MuT to VENT!
Anyhow, I just watched the video of the contractor Nick Berg being beheaded in Iraq. WTF? Yeah WTF!!!. I'm not sure, but I think this guy was helping the

people of IRAQ, but I do know he was not even fighting the War on Terror! This movie looked like something out of a Jason horror movie! The killers are MASKED COWARDS and don't even show thier faces on this video. Our prayers are with Nick Berg's family. I have a hard time dealing with the number of soldiers being killed, but when I see things like this, it recharges my conviction for military support.

I would LOVE to hear from people who think we should NOT be fighting the WAR on TERROR after hearing about this barbaric act.


TD!!!!!!! NICE TO see you back!! I also would like to see an exit stratagy laid out too. At least we are re-conveying power back to them in July. I think this is the first step

Originally Posted by Tinydancer

Hey Tony! I completly agree with you & our opinions are backed up everyday by they way these bastards treat people. Don't try to understand why they do the things they do, they're animals, we don't think they same way. They have no respext for human life & they are too buried in hatred to realize that we want to help them. However, I'm starting to think F them! Get our guy/gals out of there and leave them to their own devices. They don't want our help for whatever reason so screw them!! Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Ooook, time to VENT! I am happy we have a place here on MuT to VENT!
Anyhow, I just watched the video of the contractor Nick Berg being beheaded in Iraq. WTF? Yeah WTF!!!. I'm not sure, but I think this guy was helping the

people of IRAQ, but I do know he was not even fighting the War on Terror! This movie looked like something out of a Jason horror movie! The killers are MASKED COWARDS and don't even show thier faces on this video. Our prayers are with Nick Berg's family. I have a hard time dealing with the number of soldiers being killed, but when I see things like this, it recharges my conviction for military support.

I would LOVE to hear from people who think we should NOT be fighting the WAR on TERROR after hearing about this barbaric act.


I totally agree..we had no business there.Hussein wasn't an immediate threat to us..I still think this was all an agenda on Bush's part..What the hell happend to Osama??Wasn't he the one who was behind 9/11??Yet instead of focusing out efforts on finding that bastard,what did he do..Sent innocent people to the slaughter.The video makes me sick to my stomache..Bush needs to pull our troops out now.July isn't soon enough
Originally Posted by allisong

I totally agree..we had no business there.Hussein wasn't an immediate threat to us..I still think this was all an agenda on Bush's part..What the hell happend to Osama??Wasn't he the one who was behind 9/11??Yet instead of focusing out efforts on finding that bastard,what did he do..Sent innocent people to the slaughter.The video makes me sick to my stomache..Bush needs to pull our troops out now.July isn't soon enough

Troups will not be pulled out by then. In fact, we will have troups there a LOOONG time if not forever. Mark my words. Hell, we still have troups in GERMANY LOL. Anyhow, Iraq will be full of American bases, im sure of it. I do agree that we had to do something about Saddam, but I think the calculations where a bit off.
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Troups will not be pulled out by then. In fact, we will have troups there a LOOONG time if not forever. Mark my words. Hell, we still have troups in GERMANY LOL. Anyhow, Iraq will be full of American bases, im sure of it. I do agree that we had to do something about Saddam, but I think the calculations where a bit off. A bit off??I think thats an understatement..While I agree we should have done something about Saddam..Osama should have been top priority
Yeah, but you have to agree, we can't tuck our tails tween the legs and run now.....what would that say to those idiots. Remember those shirts w/ the flag on it, "these colors don't run"

Originally Posted by Tony(admin)
Yeah, but you have to agree, we can't tuck our tails tween the legs and run now.....what would that say to those idiots. Remember those shirts w/ the flag on it, "these colors don't run"
Unfortunately, the reason they wouldn't understand our "running" is because they'd think we were cowardly running, when what it actually is it that they're wasting our time and effort. Why bother anymore? This just really upsets me. I was all for the war when others were against it, because I thought we were really helping, and that they wanted our help. Now I'm frustrated because we're not even fighting for our freedom - we have freedom. We're fighting for them, and they don't even appreciate it! Those masked me are cowards - yes, we have photos and videos of our own forces abusing POWs, BUT we have not been mercilessly killing them. Humiliating and killing are 2 different things. I forgot how our newcaster said it, but basically the same thing - what our forces did was wrong, but scars can heal - death cannot. Those men are pure evil.
Our news station didn't show the entire video, and I'm glad - I don't think I'd want to see the actual event - knowing is sickening enough.

Wasn't Saddam the one saying he had WMD? Thats a fact. Didn't a few countries tell our secret service that Saddam had purchased the components for constructing WMD? Thats a fact too. I don't believe for one second that Osama is on the back burner, not by a long shot. As far as Bush having an another agenda on the reasons why, I doubt we'll ever know that for sure. I really feel there is a connection between Osama, al-Qaeda & Saddam H. al-Qaeda has taken 'credit' for beheading that poor man because the US Military abused the Iraqi prisoners, thats their words. Wouldn't that be a connection? Its all very confusing to me, I just hope it ends soon and they can get home soon and safely. Originally Posted by allisong I totally agree..we had no business there.Hussein wasn't an immediate threat to us..I still think this was all an agenda on Bush's part..What the hell happend to Osama??Wasn't he the one who was behind 9/11??Yet instead of focusing out efforts on finding that bastard,what did he do..Sent innocent people to the slaughter.The video makes me sick to my stomache..Bush needs to pull our troops out now.July isn't soon enough
I'm really disgusted by the whole thing. Bush is sooo far up on S&^$! list. He has caused so much unnecessary devastation and distress. I have one question for him-- Where are the weapons of mass destruction???? I am not political at all but I am making it my business to encourage all my friends and family to vote this year. I live in NY and was on my way to work when the WTC happened, it changed my life forever and sadly I feel that it will happen again

AMEN Kim AMEN! VERY Well said. You and I feel EXACTLY the same. OMG, when reading your post, I felt every word you typed.


Wasn't Saddam the one saying he had WMD? Thats a fact.

He sure did! Without a doubt


Didn't a few countries tell our secret service that Saddam had purchased the components for constructing WMD? Thats a fact too.

Excactly! People are forgetting this!


I don't believe for one second that Osama is on the back burner, not by a long shot.

He is on the TOP of the list, I am sure, this is WHY we are in Afghanistan.


As far as Bush having an another agenda on the reasons why, I doubt we'll ever know that for sure.

Agreed, not sure either


I really feel there is a connection between Osama, al-Qaeda & Saddam H. A
l-Qaeda has taken 'credit' for beheading that poor man because the US Military abused the Iraqi prisoners, thats their words. Wouldn't that be a connection?

LOL, well I'm not laughing, but this is soooo IRONIC isn't it.


Its all very confusing to me, I just hope it ends soon and they can get home soon and safely.


Tony, Did you see the pics of our guys raping the Iraqi women? Its pretty sick stuff. Rumor has it that they're fake, made by some porno freaks! Its hard for me to tell because my monitor has sh*t the bed!!

This is the link but be warned it is extremly explicit & very upsetting.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) AMEN Kim AMEN! VERY Well said. You and I feel EXACTLY the same. OMG, when reading your post, I felt every word you typed.

He sure did! Without a doubt

Excactly! People are forgetting this!

He is on the TOP of the list, I am sure, this is WHY we are in Afghanistan.

Agreed, not sure either

LOL, well I'm not laughing, but this is soooo IRONIC isn't it.


I had not see most of these pics, but by the look at some of them, from a CG graphic artists point, that these are not Iraqi women, and looks more porn to me. But nevertheless, interesting

Originally Posted by Tinydancer

Tony, Did you see the pics of our guys raping the Iraqi women? Its pretty sick stuff. Rumor has it that they're fake, made by some porno freaks! Its hard for me to tell because my monitor has sh*t the bed!!This is the link but be warned it is extremly explicit & very upsetting.

Originally Posted by Tinydancer Hey Tony! I completly agree with you & our opinions are backed up everyday by they way these bastards treat people. Don't try to understand why they do the things they do, they're animals, we don't think they same way. They have no respext for human life & they are too buried in hatred to realize that we want to help them. However, I'm starting to think F them! Get our guy/gals out of there and leave them to their own devices. They don't want our help for whatever reason so screw them!! Just my opinion. I second TinyD's thoughts ... fully. This made me tear up. I can't imagine what his family is going through. We misbehaved, but these people are ruthless and crazy... they do things "in the name of God"... that's not the God I know!!!! I pray for the family and for all the troops as well. I can see that I need to get my buns into church to do some heavy duty praying. I am so glad my brother (so far) is not going to Afghanistan. These people want us out and they will do anything to hurt us. The problem is that if we leave Iraq, they will come to the states!! I am in favor of new leadership. I have no bright ideas, but I fully support our troops no matter what because they are putting their own lives in danger to save our lives. This war is very maddening and upsetting. It has no logic, no plan, and no control. What if we nuked them?!??? woah...
We just sent 30,000 more troops. We would continue to do so if Bush were not up for reelection. In fact, they are asking the guard and reserves to volunteer so that it will not look like we are "sending" troops, but it will look like folks are just going there on their own. This from a first hand source...!

Miss Rice also confirmed to Bush that there were WMD. Guess it's time for her arse to get a secretarial job at Pep Boys instead.

KERBALA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. troops killed at least 20 militiamen loyal to rebel Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in fierce fighting in the Iraqi city of Kerbala, a senior U.S. military officer said.

Oops! We did it again.

I think its DISGUSTING what they are doing.. Ive no more to say coz im not fully knowledgable on the situation yet but whoever is beating prisoners etc.. should be beaten themselves

Well, everyone has to understand that there is a certain level of interrogation that goes on, forsure. For example, these "prisoners" were shooting at Americans and possibly killing Americans. So things like sleep deprovation, confinement, constant badgering are all things that are acceptable **IF** they do not talk. If they are "beating" them, then they shouldn't. But a good sock in the stomach, will make anyone talk. LOL Do I sound like the guy on Room 222?

Originally Posted by laura127

I think its DISGUSTING what they are doing.. Ive no more to say coz im not fully knowledgable on the situation yet but whoever is beating prisoners etc.. should be beaten themselves


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