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Originally Posted by shoediva They have a sale with upto 40% off.
I love banana, especially when they have a sale.

Happy shopping

Viva La NANA!
Like their simple styles, colors and quality.

Just got back from Banana and it was Chaos!!! I guess everyone had the same idea of using thier lunch time to shop. Could you believe that I didnt get myself anything. I got my SO a couple of shirts for his b'day tomorrow. BUT I will be returning. I will recommend that you go, they do have some good deals.

Originally Posted by shoediva Just got back from Banana and it was Chaos!!! I guess everyone had the same idea of using thier lunch time to shop. Could you believe that I didnt get myself anything. I got my SO a couple of shirts for his b'day tomorrow. BUT I will be returning. I will recommend that you go, they do have some good deals. I'm curious about the SO, you haven't said much about him. What's he like? All I know is that he is SUPER tall!!

Well my SO is a wonderful guy (hehe well most of the time) we have together for almost 6 years. He has the patience of a saint to deal with me sometimes
He is an IT engineer and a workaholic. His best friend is his Blackberry (Hate those things!!) He is Italian mixed with Black--- must tell you nice mix!!! People often think he is Latino like myself. We do not have children together yet but have thought about. Today is his birthday he is 28 (3 years younger than me- but I have come to the conclusion that it doesnt matter how old a man is-- he never grows up!).

I tried to post a pic but it didnt work will try again

Originally Posted by shoediva Well my SO is a wonderful guy (hehe well most of the time) we have together for almost 6 years. He has the patience of a saint to deal with me sometimes
He is an IT engineer and a workaholic. His best friend is his Blackberry (Hate those things!!) He is Italian mixed with Black--- must tell you nice mix!!! People often think he is Latino like myself. We do not have children together yet but have thought about. Today is his birthday he is 28 (3 years younger than me- but I have come to the conclusion that it doesnt matter how old a man is-- he never grows up!).
I tried to post a pic but it didnt work will try again

It's always fun to hear about SO's and kids! Would you believe I am part Spanish and Mexican! LOL. I am also Irish and English. I want to know what an Irish guy was doing in Mexico. Jk. I'd love to see the pic. If you'd like, you can go to or another free pic site and upload your photos for free. Then you just copy the image file and paste it on the board. IT pretty much does it for you. You cut and paste it!

Ok, what the heck do you mean by Blackberry? !!

My hubs is older than I, he is 37 (but looks 24)! He is a broadband systems engineer and is also a workaholic/inventor/ problem solver. Sometimes he likes to approach me like he does his computers! LOL. It does not work. He is only 5ft 8", with dark skin (his father was from Cuba and his mother is English). He has nice, big brown eyes that help me forgive him sometimes when annoys me. Heheh. We've been married 3 years and it's not easy, but it is fun sometimes too. He is a handful as he is very set in his ways and we are both stubborn. I need to remind him to relax a lot, and he helps me to think more logically and technically.


Just chattin' LOL.

See ya soon.

P.S. your pic is very pretty


This is a blackberry, he is surgically attached to it. Dont show your SO, they are addictive!!! He can access his email and the web on it and it is also a phone. His email is in real-time, so it gives a slight beep when new mail comes in (beeps all the time, hate it!).

We are not married yet but I am looking into it! :)) (something like an ultimatum haha)

Part spanish and mexican??? Maybe we are related??? LOL

Thanks for chatting with me and for the compliment!

Originally Posted by shoediva This is a blackberry, he is surgically attached to it. Dont show your SO, they are addictive!!! He can access his email and the web on it and it is also a phone. His email is in real-time, so it gives a slight beep when new mail comes in (beeps all the time, hate it!).
We are not married yet but I am looking into it! :)) (something like an ultimatum haha)

Part spanish and mexican??? Maybe we are related??? LOL

Thanks for chatting with me and for the compliment!

OMG... Get all technical devices away from my hubs! He was the type who'd take apart the toaster as a little boy... then put it back together. Funny, I'd never heard of blackberry- the name makes me laugh. Right now my husband's addiction of choice is Battlefield 1942. He can play it for hours ... and hours. Cough.
Yep, us Americans are the melting pot! We all have a little of something!You have an exotic look that is unique and very pretty. It must be annoying, though, for people to try to pin you down (guess your ethnicity, etc) no? This happens to my husband ALL the time. He has dark and light features and strangers ask! LOL. I love his creamy brown skin. He looks Italian to me. But little does he know, right now, I have the HOTS for Vince Vaughn. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! <TABLE borderColor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=95 bgColor=#ffffff borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap align=middle>bonus</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Ok, sall for now... Ciao Shoes!!

You know from your pic and your description of SO, your gonna make some beautiful kids !!!! Keep me posted LOL

Originally Posted by shoediva You know from your pic and your description of SO, your gonna make some beautiful kids !!!! Keep me posted LOL No way, Jose! LoL NO kiddos for us! Don't want them. Heheh But Ty.And btw, let's see ShoeDiva Jr!



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