August No-Buy/Low-Buy Support Group! forums

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I don't really budget any specific amounts to things like food, beauty, clothes, etc.. What I do is I keep a balance sheet on the refrigerator which has the amounts and interest rates for all of my debts: car, student loan, credit card, and my current checking account balance. What I want to see is each of the balances going down (except the checking balance). Its worked well, In the last year, I've paid down my student loan from 14,000 to 6,000, and I can now see an end in sight. My car too, 1 more year of payments and I'll be done with that. But my credit card balance bumps around, sometimes up, sometimes down, all directly related to how much I'm indulging. I'd really like to be debt free over the course of the next year (except my house) and to do that, I've gotta start limiting myself. First of all, I don't NEED anything, but need and want are 2 different things. I tell myself all the time that its OK not to have everything that catches my eye. I have very poor impulse control and often think, well as long as all the bills are paid, why not treat myself to this or that..but I'm sure if I looked at how much I've spent on cosmetics in the past year, I'd be shocked. Anyhow, I just wanted to throw in my thoughts..I bought some blushes and 1 lip surgence from Tarte friend and family sale going on=$60 and another lipsurgence I saw on ebay=$15, 2 vapour foundation sticks and a wrinkle serum from $170=$245. So I'm officially done for this month, boy I should try to go 2 months really.. But let me do 1 month first. Yes, I can do it!

Went way too crazy during my trip to Asia. I got a buncha of make up from Japanese and Taiwanese brands :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

SOOO I have to go on a no-buy until the end of year. NO-BUY. no make up except lipbalm as I tend to use up one in 2-3 months.

I don't wear makeup often enough to use them up.

I blew it on the last day of July, but I'm hopeful that this month will be a good one. In about a week, I will be making quite a hefty nail polish purchase, but I've known about it for a month and a half and to my surprise, just got a 20 dollar off coupon which will be a big help. This month, my goal is to really be conscious about my purchases. I'm thinking of making a small list at the beginning of each month with things I think I might want. If by the end of the month, I look at the list and cannot remember or simply am no longer head over heels in love with a product, then I know I only wanted it on impulse. Good luck ladies. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I did give in and ordered from MUA yesterday. Really thought about my purchases though and what would be a good addition to my collection and what would be similar to something I already had. I scored a nice haul with the 25% off code and free international shipping. Even with the exchange rate it was less than $20. I almost gave in a bought some Balenciaga perfume from Sephora. I told myself that it would be my treat for making it through my no buy last month. It's in my cart but I still haven't hit checkout. I don't really like the GWP and none of the samples are really exciting me. Cancelled Conscious Box last month. Skipped LBB again this month. I am thinking of trying out Beauty Army. I'm becoming more and more of a fan of subscriptions I can skip. 

I caved & got 2 julep mystery boxes. The balm is calling me again. They have their 3 palettes for price of one. Its a great deal but I don't need it.

This no buy for a month is harder than it looks. I ended up buying mini jars of eyeshadows online... darn... Hopefully I'll be good this weekend. I usually spend a lot more within the first week of the month. After buying those eyeshadows, I got more self control cause I felt so guilty lol

Hi all!  I'm new to the forum and I feel it is time to jump on the wagon and go on a no-buy this month. 
 After birthday splurging in July, I feel overwhelmed at times with all of the products I have. Good luck to all of you!

Well, I just got an email from Bath and Body Works about their new From Paris With Love collection, which is inspired by Paris Amour, one of my all time favorites. Annnddd, they all sound really, really lovely and I would very much like to drive down to BBW RIGHT now, test them out, and probably end up buying some. Gah. Instead of doing that, I'm just going to sit here and grumble to myself. I've been doing really, really well, can't screw it up. Plus, I do not have any space to put anything. Seriously. There is zero room on the shelf where I store body wash and lotion, so that's another reason for me to just not even go there. 


39 days.

Originally Posted by Jess Bailey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

that butter/DL deal on is calling to me.  
Resist, resist! You can do it! 

I think I am officially over samples boxes.

I just realized today that I haven't been following the threads with rabid enthusiasm, and it just kinda hit me today that Birchboxes should be shipping out fairly soonish. When it hit me, I was just kinda like, "ohhh. yeah. right. that's happening soon."

I'm joining the August No-Buy!  
  I was really bad last month.  Really, really, really bad.

Weeeelllll...I caved and got a Julep mystery box..for $16 and change after my code. I sent my August box to a friend, so I feel okay. I often skip months on that sub. Got a new ELF blush that looks a lot like my benefit Coralista I just dropped and had explode everywhere....hope it's an okay dupe...and it was on sale, too! I didn't need to, but the Coralista, a Smashbox fusions, and a Laura Mercier baked bronzer blush duo have been my go tos the last few months. Replaced my makeup remover wipes, which I needed to thanks to an allergic reaction to my last package! So, I'm doing okay so far. Not a complete no buy, but budget conscious this month.

Originally Posted by Jess Bailey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

that butter/DL deal on is calling to me.  
It called me as well, but after browsing for a while I decided there was nothing singing to me.  I need it to sing.

The LE Maybelline Great Lash mascaras in green and purple did sing to me however.  I'm on a colored mascara kick and got 2 for about $7, so if they're crap I'm not out much.

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think I am officially over samples boxes.

I just realized today that I haven't been following the threads with rabid enthusiasm, and it just kinda hit me today that Birchboxes should be shipping out fairly soonish. When it hit me, I was just kinda like, "ohhh. yeah. right. that's happening soon."
I am and am not over them.

By which I mean, I don't obsess over them or what goodies I'm not getting in the subs I've cancelled, but by the same token, realizing how many things I've yet to use from them...I still like them, but they're no longer an obsession.....and definitely not the CHORE they felt like for a minute there :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am and am not over them.

By which I mean, I don't obsess over them or what goodies I'm not getting in the subs I've cancelled, but by the same token, realizing how many things I've yet to use from them...I still like them, but they're no longer an obsession.....and definitely not the CHORE they felt like for a minute there :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Ohhh, I know what you mean. There's a part of me that says, "you've gotten so many amazing things from them! you might miss something super ultra excellent!" and then the more rational part of me is like, " have entire drawers and shelves full of unused stuff, so uhh, yeah. why dontcha cool your tits for now?"

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ohhh, I know what you mean. There's a part of me that says, "you've gotten so many amazing things from them! you might miss something super ultra excellent!" and then the more rational part of me is like, " have entire drawers and shelves full of unused stuff, so uhh, yeah. why dontcha cool your tits for now?"
Right. I need to use up a heck of a lot more. That said, I did have an AMAZING Burt's Bees-themed goodie bag for my niece today....all from various promos and sample boxes lOL

I have a cart FULL of sale UD stuff right now. I know I don't need any of it...but for some reason I want it. I can definitely afford it, but why do I want it? Two eye shadow palettes (yet I have a billion eyesdhadows), a lip gloss and lip stick which I already have a beauty army box filled with, mascara just because its 5 dollars, and a matte eyeshadow. I KNOW I do not need it...but why do I want it? I wish I could explain that, and then I think things would be a lot easier.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have a cart FULL of sale UD stuff right now. I know I don't need any of it...but for some reason I want it. I can definitely afford it, but why do I want it? Two eye shadow palettes (yet I have a billion eyesdhadows), a lip gloss and lip stick which I already have a beauty army box filled with, mascara just because its 5 dollars, and a matte eyeshadow. I KNOW I do not need it...but why do I want it? I wish I could explain that, and then I think things would be a lot easier.
This is the short, extremely simplified version, but it has to do with the dopamine bursts you get when you buy new items.  We are a hard wired to want newness and variety, and our brains reward us with the pleasure neuro chemicals.

Gives new meaning to the term "makeup junkie", doesn't it?


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