In my travels to East Asia, especially when hanging around the local metropolitan ladies, they (in the general sense) really did love to have the clear, very white skin. Although as a dark brown foreigner, they were thankfully still gracious to me, even though I didn't have the white skin.
My experience was that they don't hold Westerners to that same standard, only against themselves. BUT I noticed, for the white Americans who were there, they were not only fawned over for their white skin, but also for the apparent translucency which alot of Asians don't have.
I think why many Asians can have the white skin, but not a lot of translucency is because their skin is thicker, just like black skin can also be thick. I notice also because of the thicker skin, Asians can appear to be even whiter than Caucasian people. Their skin keeps them looking fresh, smooth and young for much, MCUH longer than most Caucasians. It doesn't wrinkle, sink in, or sag in middle age. That is definitely one of the things they are blessed with in the "Skin Department".
One way you can get an approximate determination of skin thickness, is to look at your alar folds (nostrils). If it is nice and thick/fleshy there, you are probably blessed with thicker skin on the rest of your face.