Anyone tried SilkySexy Brand? forums

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Jan 22, 2006
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I've used HealthySexy Tri-wheat leave in conditioner, and I love it. I tried the Soymilk shampoo and conditioner, and I didn't like it. Has anyone tried the SilkySexy shampoo and conditioner? Cuz I loved the way the leave-in conditioner made my hair feel, all silky and soft. So I was wondering if the SilkySexy line would make my hair feel like that as well. I just would love opinions of anyone who tried it. My hair is fine and straight by the way, just in case you'd need an idea of how my hair is. Thanks! -Rachael

I just got HealtySexy and love it, but I saw the SilkySexy and contiplated getting it. Maybe someone else has tried it.

I have used the Silky Sexy shampoo & conditioner before and it gives a more moisturized feel than the Healthy Sexy IMO. I love both though.

I haven't tried it, but Janelle said all of the products from that hair care manufacturer were good, so I'm going to assume it is

I haven't tried any Healthy Sexy Hair products. I'm a Biolage girl. Well, until Janelle tells me Healthy Sexy Hair is way better than Biolage. I'll have to try it, then.

It was a little too much for my hair... My hair is on the thin side, and gets oily quickly --- so it was a bit too heavy. If you need extra conditioning and you are able to use heavier products, you should be fine. It's a great shampoo/conditioner... but I can't get away w/ washing every other day if I use it. Try and see if you can get a combo pack or some samples.

I was wondering if i should get that... but i read on the website about more mositure or something and decided that would not be good for my oily hair. I ended up with BigSexyhair.. I love it! Thanks Janelle for the review.. now i know that i had made the right choice not to get it

hey there !!

well in my opinion.. I agree with Janelle.. i got the healthy sexy hair and was pleased with my results... i have very fine thin hair so i have to be careful with the amount i put in ...

i did buy the silkysexyhair.. and i didnt like it one bit.. i got the shampoo and conditioner that was buy one liter get one free... it didnt really lather up at all didnt do much for my hair and surprisingly.. my hair never tangles up but for some reason this is the only thing that has ever made my hair tangle up i wasnt at all happy with the silky sexy hair.... so i returned didnt give me a shine, did absolutely nothing.

if youre wondering more about this or the bigsexy hair go here and look under 'sexy hair concepts'

they got some great reviews !! hope it helps !


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