Anyone Here Have Eczema? forums

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Nov 6, 2005
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Just curious if anyone else "suffers" from this?

Have any daily routine to help control itchiness?

I never really looked up information about this until recently.

Most of my cousins from my dad side have this - and I noticed some of my students breaking out in huge body rashes too. As did I when I was younger, mainly around my leg - which cleared up over the years. But still are some scaring there.

Been rashing out on my hand for years now. Because I used to work at a place where I constantly had to wash dishes and over months of doing it, it aggravated my hand. Ugh. And the only cream that worked for me (don't remember the name but it had a green ring around it. currently, I own the one with the yellow ring) they won't give out no more because it was said to thin out the skin.

There be times where just certain parts of my body break out with a rash - hate it. And it's life-long til a cure comes out... sucky. It's not bad were it's noticeable or where I need steroid injections to clear it up. Just annoyances.

my daughter and my son have it. They itch all day long, but I have Elidel and cetaphil, and two baths a day makes it alot better. Steroid cream makes a 1000% difference

Mine never seems to itch much but its there.. on my bottom part of my legs and a bit of my stomach.. I refuse to use steriod creams so I just tend to leave it alone and when it feels a bit dry I slap some natural stuff on it like coconut oil.

yeah i have a rash on my hand. Its not too bad it comes and go. I have a bad one on my stomach because im allergic to the button and belts on my pants. I get medication but it comes back because i need to find nickel free belts i guess. lol Ive been using vaseline lately because its simply dehydrated skin right now.

Hydrocortisone creme!!!!! I have it on my face and i just put the creme on my eczeme spots and it goes away in 2 - 3 works reallly good

I DO! just altitle on my eyelids sometimes. i use hydrocortizone? i think thats how its spelled.

oh yeah, i have it behind my elbows, behind my knees, sometimes around my eyes.... my butt...... it kinda shows up whenever it wants to.

it got really really bad when i went back home to visit cause the air was so dry.

i have it right now on my right eye area, so ive been putting vit. e oil on it and that usually makes it go away. for other stuff not on my face, i have a prescription cream.

i do too sometimes, mostly on my arms and hands, it itches like hell. but my mom bought me a cream from Uriage and it works great.

I have it behind my elbows, but I'm pretty sure it's caused by an allergic reaction to Nutrasweet.

I had never experienced eczema in my life until just a few weeks ago. I got a flare up on both my hands and on the backs of my knees. Of course, I didn't know what to do, so I used a sugar scrub on both areas and then some lemon/vitamin e oil after that, and my knees cleared up quickly afterwards, but my hands stayed the same for about a week. It was pretty mild, but I still have no idea what caused it.

My husband has mild eczema which always gets worse in the winter and practically disappears in the summer. The first year he noticed it, it was pretty bad and the doctor gave him some prescription creams that cleared it up, though the doctor said he'd probably need the prescription every year since it is a chronic condition. However, ever since then he has just been using Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream (he slathers a ton of it at night), and that seems to be keeping it under the control! He hasn't used the prescriptions since that first winter a few years ago.

great article. i do have eczema when i have dry skin. i'm not complaining because mine is minor, my brother had a severe eczema as a baby, and still have some big patches on his arms and knees once in a while. in my mother's family having allergies is pretty common, so we know we have to deal with it.

i suffer from eczema and devere dry skin. i always had flaky dry skin, but about 5 years ago my skin condition got really bad and had frequent eczema breakouts. my doctor prescribed steriod cream to stop my rashes.

as for preventions, i keep my body moisturized with: petroleum jelly or dermalogica's ultra rich body cream. nothing else seems to work for me.

I have eczema too, on my elbows (the outside where my elbow is, not the inside joint) that flares up when the seasons change. It gets all dry, bumpy, and annoying. I didn't know what it was til I went to the doc, and I was given a prescription steroid cream and it definitely works to get rid of the bumps and dry skin.

I hope this information helps.

Eczema is a condition that causes skin to become red, itchy, and dry. If you have eczema, you might notice that you are prone to getting itchy rashes - especially in places like where your elbows and knees bend or on your neck and face. The symptoms of eczema can vary from person to person. Though you can't cure eczema forever, there are things you can do to prevent it from flaring:

1. Stay away from things like harsh detergents, perfumed soaps, and heavily fragranced lotions that tend to irritate the skin and trigger eczema.

2. Because water tends to dry out the skin, take short, warm showers and baths. If you're going to have your hands in water for a long time (like when you're washing dishes or your car), try wearing gloves.

3. Soothe your skin with regular applications of moisturizer to prevent itching and dryness. Creams generally moisturize a bit better and last longer than lotions for most people. Creams work best if applied when the skin is slightly wet, like just after bathing.

4. Be careful what fabrics you wear. Cotton is good because it's breathable and soft. Try to stay away from materials like wool or spandex that may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

5. Keep stress in check. Because stress can lead to eczema flares, try activities like yoga or walking after a long day to keep your stress levels low.

6. If you wear makeup, look for brands that are free of dyes and fragrances that can aggravate eczema.

i think my best friend had it. his was pretty bad and one day littlerally he got meds and cream and it was gone. just like that. ofcourse when i asked him why he didnt do it before he said that he was just too lazy to do it.

I get it on my neck, it's so itchy!! Pure shea butter helps or mixed with some neem or emu oil.

I've cut right down on cow's milk now, I have soy milk on my cereal and it really has helped as well!!


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