Anyone Else Cheat on their Hairstylist with the cheap places forums

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Aug 22, 2006
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I am really, really bad. I made a hair appointment three weeks ago for today with my regular hairstylist. Well, where she works is about an hour and half away, so it’s kind of a drive for me. Well, the bad thing is that my hair grows really fast and gets really ratty when it has been cut in a while, so I have to see her least once a month. I am sorry, I do get tired of driving over there just to get a haircut. So, I was out shopping today and past by a Hair Cuttery salon.

I know some woman are afraid to go into the cheap and fast places, but if you can’t cut two inches off of mid back hair, layers and my bangs than you shouldn’t have passed beauty school. So, I walked in and to my surprise that nobody else was in there, so I was able to be taking right to a chair. The stylist threw a shiny black cape around my neck, than shampooed my hair, messaged my head and when we were ready to cut in about fifteen minutes. A quick brushes of the comb, talk about our families/ boyfriends and soon the cape that protects you from falling hair snippets is covered in tiny bits of damaged hair and splits ends, leaving me with fresh, clean hair. A rush of heat air and a couple of handfuls of product and my hair looks the same as if I went to my normal stylist. I told the eighteen year old, that’s right she was only eighteen, what a wonderful job she did and tipped her at least ten dollars. I paid and walked out of the salon and went back to shopping. I checked my phone for the time and the whole haircut had only taken forty-five minutes to do, if I went to my regular hairstylist I would have still been caught in traffic and out an extra sixty bucks.

I know most people feel that they have to loyal to their hairstylists, but when it comes to convenience I have to take the low road. To tell you the truth, now that I think of it, I have opted to go somewhere than my normal salon. My list of cheap and quick hair salons that I’ve been to: Supercuts, Masterscuts, Great Clips, Haircuts Etc, Ulta Salon, and Hair Cuttery. When you look at it, I’ve gone to those types of place more than I’ve to my own salon.

So, how many of you have also gone to the cheap places oppose to your hair salon?

I don't have a salon/stylist I'm loyal to since I've moved to NY. Fantastic Sam's is great, as is Hair Cuttery.

I always go to the cheap places! lol .... I just have a basic cut with just a little bit of layers on the end, so yeah, like you said, if they can't do that they shouldn't be working as a hair stylist anyway

If I ever wanted some crazy, really trendy cut I might go somewhere else... but for now, Fantastic Sam's is working great!

i haven't found anyone i'm loyal to - i go to the cheap places and i go to different ones all the time!

I so know what you mean. I was really loyal to a certain hairstylist who actually lives 2 apartments down from me, but my friend started taking me to Visible Changes and I love it there now. They do a fantastic job on my highlights and I know if my former hairstylist found out, she would be so disappointed. Luckily, somehow, I haven't run into her in a while.

im afriad to go anywhere else. ive never acutally had a bad hair cut. i want to keep it that way.

I don't have a hairstylist to cheat on. I've been going to SuperCuts(a cheap, if not especially fast, place)for years.

I cant cheat on my stylist. It would almost be like cheating on my husband. I go to her every 5 weeks on the dot for either all over color or highlights and she would know if I had been somewhere else.

I only cheat when it comes to coloring my hair. I can bleach my own hair for $10. I've never had a good haircut from a cheap place! I have curly hair and it is really difficult to find someone who can cut curly hair properly. I just don't trust anyone but my hairstylist with cutting my hair. She used to live upstairs and she has the same wacky curly hair that I do.

I did once but this was back when I was still straightening my hair and I needed a quick trim before a photo. Now that I wear my hair in its natural wavy/curly state, I would never go to a cheap place. In fact I am currently looking for a new hairstylist.

I go anywhere the wind blows and it is typically a cheap haircutting place. I've been to great clips & aveda institute (hair students).

Like many of you, if they can't cut my hair, then they need to thow in the (hair) towel already.

I went to a cheap place once and it was a mistake. I came out of the salon looking like Velma from ScoobyDoo.

Originally Posted by lynnda I have but I usually regret it! Me, too. I always go back to my stylist. My relationship with him has lasted longer than my relationship with any other man in my life -- 17 years.
It's funny because it's true. However, he is very expensive and he's very far away from me, so sometimes (like in the winter when there are hazardous driving conditions) I have been tempted to go to a cheapy place in between. It's never worked out well, though.
In general, I try to schedule a cut & color with him once a season. If I really get desparate in between, I might consider going to a cheap place just to have them dust the ends.

I don't see the point jumping around from place to place.. I stick with some I trust and just one person whether they are cheap or not. I like the lady that does my hair.

Originally Posted by LuckyMe I cant cheat on my stylist. It would almost be like cheating on my husband. I go to her every 5 weeks on the dot for either all over color or highlights and she would know if I had been somewhere else. LOL. I feel the same way. I have been going to the same person for almost half my life. I get highlights and she does them really well, if someone else did them it would definitely look it. I have seen some horrible dye and highlight jobs from the cheap places. I went to her wedding for goodness sakes, how could I cheat?
I use to go from one salon to another looking for a hairstylist and colorist, I would be satisfied with. Now I found both and I'm sticking to them no matter what.

I cheated on her once when I wanted something done quick and couldn't get in to her. I ended up going to her to have her fix what they screwed up and it was embarrassing. I'll never cheat again. lol
