The name of the product IS Alpha Hydrox, red box- cvs probably carries it but if not you can get it at most other drug stores, walgreens, Eckerd, Rite Aid - I've seen it at Walmart and Kmart too, though not all of them. The company also has a website.
Look for the lotion or oil free formula w/ 10% glycolic acid. Theres a cleanser but unless the stuff sits on your face, it doesn't really do anything so don't waste your money on something you just rinse down the drain.
You have to use it consistantly to see results so give it time, use it everynight, I LOVE the stuff! And it's so cheap. Estee Lauder's Fruition has the same ingredients in it, only just a fraction of the amount, and they charge over $40 last time I checked. The same goes for alot of the AHA stuff. You need a good percentage for it to work and the product also has to have the proper PH, which Alpha Hydrox has. Just goes to show, you don't HAVE to spend top dollar for this stuff! The only drawback is that the higher end products tend to smell better, be more luxurious, have prettier packaging....I admit to liking all that too, but I want to spend my hard earned $$$$ on something that WORKS!!!!!