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Feb 17, 2007
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how many ladies can type without looking at the keyboard?? i mean with few errors? right now i m doing it

I can!! I'm doing it right now too! No errors!

See that? I even added the shortcut for the smiley without looking! Woo! I rock!!

Oh yes, I am the master!!!!!

seems like everyone can do it
i never noticed i could until oneday the guy i was talking to told me to try

Nope....I flunked typing because the teacher would play slow jams in class. I would start daydreaming about Boyfriend and never get any work done.

lol, i wished my teacher played slow jams. She just yelled at us and put boxes over our least i can type in the dark now....

Last I checked, I could type 70 wpm with like 99% accuracy... And no, I don't look at the keyboard when typing or doing 10-key.

I never look at my keyboard. Sometimes when I'm watching TV I'm not looking at the computer screen either.

When I was in school all our typing tests were done with clothes over our hands so we couldn't see the keyboard. By grade 9 there would be a cloth over our hands and the computer screen so that we really had to know our stuff.

Originally Posted by krazykid90 /img/forum/go_quote.gif .
When I was in school all our typing tests were done with clothes over our hands so we couldn't see the keyboard. By grade 9 there would be a cloth over our hands and the computer screen so that we really had to know our stuff.

that scares me
Yeah, I took a typing class in high school, and they wouldn't let us look at the keyboard. lol.

Originally Posted by Savvy_lover /img/forum/go_quote.gif how many ladies can type without looking at the keyboard?? i mean with few errors? right now i m doing it
only want answers from ladies??

well anyhow.. I can type without looking at the keyboard. I am not that fast but I can do it.

I can type without looking at the keyboard, too.

Once you use the computer often, you get used to it.

i like to check regularly to see if i didn't type any mistake, so no, i can't really type without looking at the keyboard.
