I refreshed twice, once at 8:58 and the image changed to the "buy now", but the link was not active, then refreshed again at 8:59 and the link worked and was able to check out before it hit 9:00am
my email was sent at 9am, i think they send emails in order, so once it gets to the hundreds there is a delay, but the early orders that come in before the system gets bogged down come right away.
I think I commented here to let everybody know they always are on sale a little before 9am, I want everybody here to have the best chance, when I first learned about these boxes I missed the first two because I was not a member of any forums, it was up to me to remember and I always forgot and kicked myself. I had seen a youtube video reviewing the summer box and tried so hard to remember, but I was in college and it was hard to remember. I finally remembered and got the summer '12 box on my own, and I think I joined MUT while looking for dates for the fall box last year!