Age and hair length forums

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Great question! I'm 41 years old and I've been wondering the same thing. At the moment I'm trying to grow my hair out long. I cut it to my shoulders recently because I thought that I was too old for hair down my back. When I cut my hair off I realized what a mistake I had made. I've come to the conclusion that it's MY hair and if I want to wear it long then I will.

I've heard alot of people say long hair is better suited for older women, but personally I find having long hair, especially when you stop dyeing it looks so elegant on older women.

well, this one was tough for me to answer.. my mum's hair is quite long for her - it's down to her shoulders, which is MUCH longer than she used to have it. Her hair has always been quite thin and I do think that the length makes it look more wispy, but because she doesn't wear a lot of makeup, I like how the longer hair adds femininity to her look. I reckon go with what makes you feel good!

The length does not matter..what matters is the condition of your hair and the way you wear it.
There is no rule that you have to cut your hair shorter at the age of 40 or something..I have no idea what kind of hair I am having at the age of 70

I'm almost 28 and my hair is about halfway down my back. I used to keep it around shoulder length a few years ago but I really like it longer. More work though.

I'm 25 & I have shoulder length hair. It used to be down to about the middle of my back & I'm trying to get it there again. I love long hair & plan on keeping it long for a long time.

I'm 40 and my hair is bra strap length. I like it long, it's easy, but mine seems to lack style other than long boho curly, which is more a vibe than a style.

I have friends in their 60s with long hair, and while the hair is healthy and shiny, it also lacks style. One realtor in townhas hair nearly to her ankles - it is beautiful, thick and healthy steel and silver, but she wears it in high pigtails. She is a beautiful woman with great hair that truthfully just looks stupid.

I think the thing is to keep the hair styled in a way that is contemporary AND that works with the natural texture of the hair. Where I live there are way too many women (probably me included) with long hair that is otherwise just shapeless and does not much to nothing for the wearer. There's a difference between pretty, nice and healthy hair and hair that looks good on a gal, right?

Ugh. but the thing that drives me bananas is long, shapeless hair that gets scraggly at the bottom - doesn't matter if you are 14 or 114, this just looks bad. And this hair in a pony tail plus bangs? yuck - even worse. Get a trim, already.

-all this said as she herself contemplates cutting off her below bra strap length hair not because she is 40, but because she feels she deserves to look well groomed, well styled, and like her hair is intentional, something more than just a head covering, you know?



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