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Dec 13, 2012
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*Not sure if this is the right forum but I have tried other sites and I just REALLY need some input please anyone? Please excuse me if this is posted where it shouldn't be I am new today :-/ ** I have been trying FOREVER studying my eyes, pictures, diagrams, reading, everything and can NOT figure out my EYE SHAPE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEASE CAN SOMEBODY ANYBODY HELP PLEASE! I WOULD APPRECIATE IT SOOOO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA! At one point I have labeled my eyes about every shape and size imaginable lol. I would like to know these things please: ALMOND, OVAL, ROUND, DEEP-SET, CLOSE-SET, HOODED, SMALL, LARGE, WIDE-SET, PROTRUDING, ETC...AS DETAILED AS YOU CAN PLEASE PLEASE! (Yes I am begging because this has been the BIGGEST challenge for me) THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ***I have tons of photos on my facebook- Again thank you all <3 ***please excuse the GROSS picture I thought it may be helpful sans makeup and it was taken at like 3am several nights ago :-/ Sincerely, Rach

Everyone has a combination of facial features including eye shapes that we MUA's use to enhance or detract from when we design or create a look. You have a wide- set, almond (open) shaped eyes.

Thank you both for responding. So I have almond shaped wide-set eyes. So I have been labeling them as small deep-set eyes, is this wrong then?

Yeah, you definitely don't have deep set eyes. Also, you need a naked or clean face to accurately determine facial features, your first pic was right on the money. Make-up hides features and alters shapes, especially when it comes to computer screens and monitors to make a proper assessment.

Ok, not to be a pain but on another post where I posted this same question I have been receiving hooded, almond, wide-set eyes (like 3 people have said this)....would you guys say my eyes are also HOODED? Sorry for being such a pain, I am just very curious and would like to know for makeup placement. Also, I DEFINITELY agree to them being Wide-Set after so many wide-set answers it hit me like DUH! lol. But would you say my eyes are also hooded? *and, eh why not throw in another picture lol. Sorry. Thank you ALL SoOo much! You are all awesome! I appreciate all the help! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
You definitely don't have hooded eyes. Think Karlie Kloss or Nicole Kidman:

^ the crease is almost completely obscured because the skin above it slightly hangs over.

I'm not an expert, but I feel like you have deep-set eyes, as the actual crease of your eyes is quite deep/pronounced. 

Hello! I've been a pro muA for 7 years and if you sat in my chair and asked me I would have to say wide set almond with a tad deep set. It is a bit hard to tell without looking at your eyes in person. But you are definitely NOT hooded at all.I am very hooded and that is when you look straight a head your top lid is laying over your entire lower lid to the lash line. Best of luck!

It looks like you have normal-set eyes, rather than wide-set. Here's how you can tell: If the width between your eyes is smaller than the width of one eye, those are close-set eyes. If the width between your eyes is larger, than you have wide-set eyes. If it is equal, that is regarded as normal. Your eyes are not hooded as when you have your eyes open, I can still see the inner lid.

You do not have wide set eyes at all you appear to be evenly spaced meaning you have one eye width between your eyes, they are are large and almond shaped.

If you sat in my chair I would use liner, smudged, thicker at the outside and becoming thiner as it moves in, apply a taupe to the socket area letting it fade up over the fatty tissue to emphasize shape, and blend, blend.

You do not have wide set eyes at all you appear to be evenly spaced meaning you have one eye width between your eyes, they are are large and almond shaped. If you sat in my chair I would use liner, smudged, thicker at the outside and becoming thiner as it moves in, apply a taupe to the socket area letting it fade up over the fatty tissue to emphasize shape, and blend, blend.
The outer 3/4 is part of the eye that I look at as well when I (and I am sure you do as well) do a visual face map for overall balance to determine features such as eye shapes in this instance. Thus Tinilidiva's has a slightly balanced wide-set eye feature. Not as wide as say Mila Kunis's eyes, but very similar. Just to be clear, I am speaking strictly of an eye feature here, since we both agree on the shape,
Originally Posted by vogueboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Everyone has a combination of facial features including eye shapes that we MUA's use to enhance or detract from when we design or create a look.

You have a wide- set, almond (open) shaped eyes.
I have to agree. Definitely almond shaped and open. Not hooded at all. Beautiful eyes!

Wow! Thank you SoOo much ALL of you! I did not expect so many amazing people to respond! Wow! You are all awesome! Wow! Thank you! So it's safe to say I have Almond Shaped Wide-Set Eyes then right and my eyes are not hooded or deep-set just almond and wide-set, correct? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Thank you everyone <3 *Please pray for the victims and families and loved ones of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, thanks everyone! God bless <3

The outer 3/4 is part of the eye that I look at as well when I (and I am sure you do as well) do a visual face map for overall balance to determine features such as eye shapes in this instance. Thus Tinilidiva's has a slightly balanced wide-set eye feature. Not as wide as say Mila Kunis's eyes, but very similar. Just to be clear, I am speaking strictly of an eye feature here, since we both agree on the shape,
Thank you so much you have been a GREAT help! God bless :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by vogueboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The outer 3/4 is part of the eye that I look at as well when I (and I am sure you do as well) do a visual face map for overall balance to determine features such as eye shapes in this instance. Thus Tinilidiva's has a slightly balanced wide-set eye feature. Not as wide as say Mila Kunis's eyes, but very similar.

Just to be clear, I am speaking strictly of an eye feature here, since we both agree on the shape,
Eyes only occur on a face, if the slope of the side of the face drops off it still does not make evenly spaced eyes wide set it makes the face appear petite and would need highlight on the sides.

True. But we both know that the outer 3/4 is still on the face rather than the sides. And yes I do use the Eye Rule as a guide... Perhaps I should've focused more on that, rather than the overall balance of the face to determine Tinilidiva's eye balance. However, that's what I do, I look at the whole geography of the face so I know what to enhance, detract, balance etc, etc. as a whole. I do this overall "mapping" thing when I am on set... In the field, where time is a factor. I spoke about this thread to a long term friend of mine who is a make-up instructor, and she told me she breaks everything down step-by-step, piece-by-piece. Yes, I see the value in that as well, but I see I am still in "on-set" mode when I am on here on the board.
