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Yep- thats how i feel. Sellers offer insurance and DC's for a reason. Its the buyers choice to either take advantage or not. PLUS, a DC guarantees the seller that it was delivered. At this point, there isn't anything to say it was or wasn't delivered. All we know is it was sent. That is the responsibility of the seller.. to send.. Which she did.. The buyer did not protect herself. As much as i hate to say it.. but them's the breaks..

Originally Posted by Liz OK, I'll tell her to wait another week to see if it shows up. I'll also take a pic of the reciept for her to show that I mailed it. If it doesn't, I guess I'll give her back 1/2 of what she paid.

it wasn't that she refused to buy the DC. I posted in the sale that a DC would be an extra $0.45 but she didn't add the $0.45 so she didn't get one.

i usually add the dc in my shipping cost just because i know there are sneaky pple out there
File a claim at your post office!! They have something like a lost item claim form. Even if you didn't buy DC or insurance the post office will investigate. Don't refund her anything yet!!! Don't negotiate with her or offer anything. Talk to your post office first.


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