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Jun 11, 2005
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I work with dogs and cats everyday as a dog groomer and I've had my share of bites and scratches. But today was probably the worst bite I've ever had. A shih-tzu named Kendall who is very old and senile decided that I would make a tasty snack. I was helping my boss hold her so that she could trim up her face and she is very touchy about her face being messed with, due to the fact that her eyes are horrible. I had a towel that I was letting her bite on so she wouldn't get either of us and Kendall managed to bypass the towel and grab my finger. She ripped open my skin right by the nail and punch a hole in the other side of my finger. I have a very painful bruise by my nail and it looks like I put my finger in a shark's mouth.

I cleaned it really good with Betadine surgical scrub and I'm currently on antibiotics because of a sinus infection, so it will heal allright, just painful.
It hurts to type.

awww....Im sorry hun. You should've bit him back....lmao...j/k. Maybe its time for a muzzle for that dog when it gets groomed

OMgosh! OUCH!! I'm sorry that happened to you. When I was younger I wanted to work @ Pet Smart. Yep, didn't happen.

Sorry girl, hope it stops hurting soon. Wounds in fingers are the worst, you're always hurting them accidentally trying to use your hands.

Thanks guys, we would have been using a muzzle, but we were trimming her face and a muzzle was in the way. OWWW! Typing hurts so bad. LOL I try to use my other fingers, but it's hard. LOL

Originally Posted by Jessica_Ann /img/forum/go_quote.gif You should've bit him back.... My father did it with my grandmas dog who bit him in his ankle...and the dog has never bitten someone again lmao
Kristie i hope it stops hurting soon!

hope you recover soon, yes it hurts i was bitten right through to the bone trying to stop my dog and another dog fighting, the hospital would not stitch it because of infection they plastered my hand, but i was badly bitten a couple of times so had the plaster on for 3 weeks, my husband said what a stupid thing to do, but i know i would do the same thing again, i hate dogs fighting, real dog fights are nasty/very aggresive.
