Which Works Best: a 2-in-1 Product or 2 Separate Products w/ a Specific Purpose

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Jul 29, 2010
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Do any products that claim to remove makeup and exfoliate (and possibly even work as a toner) work well? Which ones? Would I be better off buying separate products each with a specific purpose? Again, which ones? Thanks!

i use seperate products each with a seperate purpose...think about it does shampoo+conditioner work as well as shampoo and conditioner?

I make and use Separate products.

I don't see how you can use a product that is meant for cleansing/exfoliating/toning every time you want to wash your face. I would not want to exfoliate every time I wash my face, it would become irritating after the 2nd day and I have exfoliated my face 4x! A week 14x?? I won't have skin left. I use the Oil Cleansing Method but I don't always use a toner. How would I be able to use the OCM if it contains a cleanser and all I wanted to do was use a toner?

I think its just another gimmick product that is doomed to fail.

I like using two seperate items, for two main reasons. I think that they work better when there is only one purpose for a product because 100 percent of research funds go to that purpose.

The other is more practical, in the example of the makeup remover and exfoliator you gave, i remove my makeup every day, however if i exfoliated that offten my skin would be a sore mess

I agree, i wouldn't use a product that claims to clean and exfoliate because i'd fear it's too harsh for my skin and i know the mess i'd have to repair after.

I don't always use toner either, and i make sure it's one without alcohol (too drying and too agressive).

Buying a product that does it all sounds wonderful and a tremendous money savior, when in reality, it may not do its jobs really well, and you find yourself with a product you can't use, a messed up skin and with a list of other products to buy just to repair that mess.

At least before you buy that product, make sure you read the label, and the ingredients.

I think the only 2 in 1 product i bought what a clay cleanser i could use as a mask if applied in a thicker layer. It was a great, deep cleanser for everyday use, but as a result, the mask didn't have more effect on my skin than the other days i used the product as a cleanser.

Separate..... Rarely do products designed to do more than one thing, do them both well, imho...


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