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Originally Posted by searchin' /img/forum/go_quote.gif   UPDATE: Back in October I indicated I had given up on Pure Luxe because it wasn't quite sitting right on my face, and I was enjoying Ocean Mist. However when the samples ran out (along with my money from trying to find a color match from any number of companies) I decided to finish off the Pure Luxe I had. Wow, am I glad I did! Thought I would mix Creamy Natural with some Buff that I had (since Creamy Natural always seemed a bit too light and yellow on me). Tried various mix ratios only to conclude that Buff is actually a perfect match for me (at this time). Also, by letting my moisturizer soak in a bit longer than I had been and using a new powder brush, I found the Pure Luxe sits beautifully and holds up much better than it has in the past. Amazing what a difference correct application can make!

Anyway...Pure Luxe was the first MMU I used and I think I'll be sticking with it!

  Wow. This sounds like me. I had taken a break from using Pure Luxe foundation for about 6 months because I went on a sampling phase for a short bit. I came back to my Pure Luxe this past week because I saw a photo myself from early 2007 when I wore PL foudation. My skin looked radiant and perfect. You couldn't tell I was wearing any foundation even after hours in the heat and sun. I think I'm going to stick with PL for now. I guess it takes some wandering around and trying new things to realise that my HG was right under my nose.

BTW, I use a mixture of Creamy Natural and Buff. Perfect.
