What is the weirdest ingredient you have used for your hair as a "shampoo"?

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Mar 28, 2011
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Okay, I have heard of eggs and castor oil and lots of other weird combos...What are some of the others?

I've never tried anything super weird.  I have done a deep conditioner with olive oil and I couldn't get it out so I had to wash my hair multiple times with dish soap.  I've also taken purple out of my hair from a toner with a mix of lemon juice and conditioner.

Not me, but I have seen people use mayonnaise, like out of the jar you get in the grocery store.  Not the hair Mayonnaise. :/  I have seen people use eggs as well.

My sister used to use mayonnaise when she was swimming. Apparently my husband did too at one point (also a swimmer)

Originally Posted by NotAVampireLvr /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My sister used to use mayonnaise when she was swimming. Apparently my husband did too at one point (also a swimmer)
When she was swimming or after? There are two reasons I can think of why they would use mayo after swimming - the oil in the mayo to moisturize and the lemon juice in it to help with the green mineral tinge from the chlorine. Less gross way would be just to rinse the hair out with apple cider vinegar.

I haven't strayed to far from traditional store bought shampoos.

I have used vitamin C to remove built up hair colour - never thought I'd do that.

It works great btw!

The weirdest ingredient I've used as a shampoo actually was in a shampoo and it's placenta. What kind of placenta, no idea, but the shampoo has some kind of placenta.

True story....

AGES ago, I read that if you mixed an egg with mayo and let it set on your hair and RINSED IT WITH COOL WATER it would make your hair glorious. I was on it! Got it all mixed up, got inthe shower, let it sit...ahhhh.  Somewhere, a lack of brain cells forgot to trigger the memory of lowering the temp of the water when it was time to rinse, so I rinsed my head with hot water.

When I got out, I semi cooked scrambled eggs throughout my hair and clogging my shower drain.

Yup..... live and learn.
